[Durham INC] Take Action: Join the Transit Equity Campaign

bonita green nitab48 at gmail.com
Wed Mar 30 09:59:33 EDT 2022

Bike Durham Supports Transit Workers and Riders

This IS Our Mission <https://bikedurham.org/transit#transit-doc>

Bike Durham believes everyone should have access to safe, affordable, and
sustainable transportation regardless of race, wealth, gender identity,
ability, or where they live. During this time of the COVID-19 pandemic, our
mission has led us to raise awareness that essential workers rely on our
public transit system, and many of our most vulnerable residents continue
to rely on GoDurham during the stay-at-home order in order to get to
essential services. We have lifted up the stories of transit and
paratransit operators who continue to drive the buses and vans of this
essential service. We are continuing to partner with other local
organizations in working with the City, GoDurham, and GoTriangle to ensure
that our most vulnerable people can stay safe while riding GoDurham and
ACCESS and can reliably get to work and essential services without long
waits. Our work is also connected to a national movement to draw attention
to these issues and get more federal support.

We are building a campaign to prioritize the needs of GoDurham riders,
GoDurham workers, and residents of Durham’s lowest-income neighborhoods of
color in the development of the Durham Transit Plan which is deciding how
to invest our transit taxes. We want you to be involved. Sign up and we
will involve you in communications about the campaign and invite you to
organize meetings.

Can you join me and take action?

be a kind human
Bonita Green
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