[Durham INC] Opportunity to improve quality of life in near-duke neighborhoods?

Mary Molina mymolina49 at yahoo.com
Tue Oct 4 17:40:29 EDT 2022

Who is behind this campaign and how can folks plug into meetings? Who are the contacts or where can we find links to more information?
Kind regards,Mary

Sent from Yahoo Mail for iPhone

On Tuesday, October 4, 2022, 5:27 PM, Debra Hawkins <dhawkins913311 at gmail.com> wrote:

Hi Frank hope you're doing well... I'm only a former delegate like you and citizen comms committee member, but of all the ideas with all their hurdles and advantages, this one seems like a possible winner - and worth getting behind. Newly broken into the top 10 tertiary institutions in the country Duke with its enormous endowment seems like it's capable and ready to move in this direction; a good fall back negotiation could be similar to what other schools of their caliber have in place which is to require on campus residents for at least the lower three undergraduate years AKA all but the senior class. Any level of increase in the on-campus requirement, as soon as it is doable, and even if done in phases, is still a win for the community housing situation. Phasing maybe kind on the University, the students/families, housing seekers and local landlords alike, is currently held Lisa's by the student population naturally expire. (An exception for the Greek communities with off campus owned frats or sorority dwellings may also be necessary.)
D Hawkins 
On Tue, Oct 4, 2022, 12:31 PM Frank Hyman via INC-list <inc-list at lists.deltaforce.net> wrote:

Hi, hope y’all are well. 
I represented Burch Ave. at INC decades ago and was on the city council in the 90’s. 

I’m wondering if there’s anyone in INC who  might find this campaign below of interest? (Text and attachment).
And is it possible I could bring this up at your October meeting?
Thanks ! 
Frank Hyman919-824-2239www.bluecollarcomeback.com

More Affordable Housing &

Better Quality of Life at

No Cost to Durham Government


Affordable houses and apartments for working class families are becoming scarcer in Durham. 

Part of that scarcity is created by about 2000 of Duke’s undergraduate students, who occupy several hundred affordable units in the transit-friendly neighborhoods of Durham. 

This problem is aggravated by the fact that a portion of these undergrads are bad actors—late night noise, trash, blocking driveways etc.--who reduce the quality of life of their neighbors. 


Duke University builds undergrad housing on the now almost empty Central Campus. The present master plan has no goal for that campus. When that housing becomes available, Duke requires all future undergrads to reside on campus as a contingency of acceptance. Presently, all freshman are already required to live on campus. 


The quality of life in all near-Duke neighborhoods improves. 

Several hundred houses, apartments and fixer-uppers become available for Durham’s working families. 


Local government would bear no cost, yet hundreds of housing units would become available. 

Duke’s cost for new undergrad housing would be covered by the grants, loans and family money that already covers the rent money that these 2000-ish undergrads already pay for off-campus housing. 

How Winnable is This Campaign:

Can you imagine Duke successfully objecting that there’s some academic or economic benefit when their undergraduates displace Durham’s working families from affordable housing? 

Best Time to Start This Campaign:

Right now.

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