[Durham INC] Could you forward this to any Listserves you are on? Also have an op-ed in the works, Thanks!

Frank Hyman frankhyman2020 at yahoo.com
Thu Feb 2 10:50:58 EST 2023

Fellow Durham citizens. 

Please sign the petition below in opposition to Duke displacing working families in Durham.

About 1500 Duke seniors (with family median incomes of $186,000) occupy houses and apartments that could be rentals and fixer-uppers for Durham families (median incomes of about $60,000). 

This contributes to the scarcity of affordable housing. 

Plus, some of these students tie up scare police resources, keep their working neighbors up at night and contribute to underage drinking which creates conditions for sexual assault. 

I’m a member of Durham Neighborhoods United, the folks who have unsuccessfully tried to work with Duke to resolve these problems. 
We are sponsoring this petition directed at Duke President Vincent Price. 
We’re sending this petition (which contains more details about this issue and a timeline for success) around to lots of folks concerned about these issues. 

Hoping you will sign this petition ASAP and share it around to your neighbors, colleagues, friends and allies and FB and other social media :-) 

Would like to have 100+ signatures by Saturday night. 

https://sign.moveon.org/petitions/stop-duke-from-displacing-working-families-in-durham?source=rawlink&utm_source=rawlink&share=7ef14488-78c1-4d16-aec1-ec28885740c3 <https://sign.moveon.org/petitions/stop-duke-from-displacing-working-families-in-durham?source=rawlink&utm_source=rawlink&share=7ef14488-78c1-4d16-aec1-ec28885740c3>

Please let me know if you have any questions. 


Frank Hyman
Duke Park neighborhood resident
www.bluecollarcomeback.com <http://bluecollarcomeback.com/8.html>

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