[Durham INC] City Council candidates tonight

R Z richard.ziglar at gmail.com
Mon Jan 8 16:39:58 EST 2024

"Of the four finalists, only one received more than the four votes required
to clear the bar to be a finalist"

So... the other three became finalists only because they needed three more


On Mon, Jan 8, 2024 at 4:31 PM Mary Molina via INC-list <
inc-list at lists.deltaforce.net> wrote:

> Of the four finalists, only one received more than the four votes required
> to clear the bar to be a finalist...Sheila Huggins received five of the
> Council's six votes, nearly unanimous!
> Could one of the other finalists overcome Huggins' apparent favor with
> Council? Maybe...but likely, not, IMO.
> Sent from Yahoo Mail for iPhone
> <https://mail.onelink.me/107872968?pid=nativeplacement&c=Global_Acquisition_YMktg_315_Internal_EmailSignature&af_sub1=Acquisition&af_sub2=Global_YMktg&af_sub3=&af_sub4=100000604&af_sub5=EmailSignature__Static_>
> On Monday, January 8, 2024, 4:21 PM, Elizabeth Conroy <conroyliz at gmail.com>
> wrote:
> Hi All,
> Happy New Year!  Is anyone planning to listen to City Council Ward 3
> candidates tonight (1/8) and give feedback to City Council afterwards?  I
> am in Ward 3 and am interested if you see strong points of candidates.  I
> know the City Council makes the decision and INC doesn’t endorse, but I
> will write an email to CC members  if I can determine a strong candidate.
> Thank you, Liz Conroy, Colony Park
> --
> Liz Conroy, Ed.D.
> 919-493-1238 (H) 919-564-6179 (C)
> conroyliz at gmail.com
> 2811 Welcome Dr.
> Durham, NC 27705
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