[Durham INC] Community Climate Conversations

Freid, Tobin L. tfreid at dconc.gov
Fri Jan 12 17:28:41 EST 2024

Central Pines Regional Council (CPRC) is holding a series of "Community Climate Conversations<https://experience.arcgis.com/experience/040997706fb448eb8acddf1a69402a2f/>" to help guide their Regional Climate Action Plan and grant applications through the Climate Pollution Reduction Grant program (CPRG).  There will be a Conversation in Durham on January 25th at the Museum of Life and Science.  Please register to attend<https://www.eventbrite.com/e/community-climate-conversations-session-4-tickets-781650747427> and also spread the word!

Tobin L. Freid (she/her)
Sustainability Manager
Durham County
(919) 560-7999

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