[Durham INC] Planning Public Notification Service - 04/05/2024

bonita green nitab48 at gmail.com
Sat Apr 6 11:09:01 EDT 2024

be a kind human
Bonita Green

[image: Durham Planning Public Notification Service Logo]

*April 05, 2024 *

[image: Engage Durham] <https://www.engagedurham.com/>
*Adopted Comprehensive Plan Update*

The adopted Comprehensive Plan has been fully formatted and uploaded to our
website *here* <https://engagedurham.com/27/Comprehensive-Plan>. The
Spanish version is forthcoming.

El Plan Integral adoptado ha sido completamente formateado y subido a
nuestro sitio web *aquí* <https://engagedurham.com/27/Comprehensive-Plan>.
La versión en español está próxima a publicar.
*Omnibus 19 (TC2400001) Staff-Initiated*

This staff-initiated Unified Development Ordinance (UDO) amendment involves
numerous small, technical updates. The changes in *Omnibus 19*
are amending the UDO in order to *clarify terminology, correct
inconsistencies, update ordinance language to match state statues, and
rectify any incongruencies* with the passage of TC2200001 (SCAD). Given
that these changes are minor in nature, staff is sharing the amendment as
an information-only item with the community.

*Adoption Process Status: *

   - JCCPC (Joint City-County Planning Committee): *April **3, 2024*
   - Planning Commission: *June** 11, 2024 *
   - Board of County Commissioners: *TBD*
   - City Council: *TBD*

*Unified Development Ordinance (UDO) Rewrite*

With the recent adoption of the City and County’s new Comprehensive Plan,
the Planning Department is shifting its focus to implementing the goals and
actions in the plan. One specific way we *implement the Actions in the
Comprehensive Plan* is by recommending changes to the Unified Development
Ordinance (UDO). The UDO is a legally binding set of rules that *regulates
how physical development of land is allowed to occur* in both the City and

A team of consultants led by Code Studio has been hired to assist with this
work. *Staff expect the UDO rewrite process to take about a year and a half*
before beginning the public hearings and adoption process. While the
technical consultant team carries out this work, a separate community
consultant has been contracted to work alongside staff and Code Studio,
with their particular* focus on equitable engagement* and engaging
historically underrepresented communities.

*Click here to take the project survey*
<https://www.surveymonkey.com/r/W8CZBZ9> and share your thoughts on some of
the key issues addressed by the new UDO. Responses to this survey will be
used to help guide the project team's thinking related to *housing,
transportation, and environmental issues.* This survey will be open for
responses until *April** 15th.*
*Ordenanza Unificada de Desarrollo **(UDO) Reescritura*

Con la reciente adopción del nuevo Plan Integral de la Ciudad y el Condado,
el Departamento de Planificación está cambiando su enfoque hacia la
aplicación de los objetivos y acciones del plan. Una manera *específica **de
aplicar las acciones del Plan Integral* es recomendar cambios en la
Ordenanza Unificada de Desarrollo (UDO). La UDO es un conjunto de *reglas
jurídicamente vinculantes que regula cómo se permite el desarrollo físico
del tierra* tanto en la ciudad como en el condado.

Se ha contratado a un equipo de consultores dirigido por Code Studio para
que colabore en esta labor. *El personal espera que el proceso de
reescritura de la UDO dure aproximadamente un año y medio* antes de iniciar
las audiencias públicas y el proceso de adopción. Mientras el equipo de
consultores técnicos realiza este trabajo, se ha contratado a otro
consultor comunitario para que trabaje junto con el personal y Code
Studio, *con
un enfoque particular en el compromiso equitativo* y la participación de
las comunidades históricamente subrepresentadas.

*Haga clic aquí para participar en la encuesta del proyecto*
<https://www.surveymonkey.com/r/W8CZBZ9> y comparta su opinión sobre
algunas de los temas clave que aborda la nueva UDO. Las respuestas a esta
encuesta se utilizarán para guiar las ideas del equipo del proyecto en
relación con *la vivienda, el transporte, y el medio ambiente*. Esta
encuesta estará abierta hasta *el 15 de Abril*.
*Applicant-Sponsored Neighborhood Meeting Update*

A list of upcoming and past neighborhood meetings can now be found on
the Neighborhood
Meeting <https://www.durhamnc.gov/3928/Neighborhood-Meeting-Information>
information page. The web page displays information on how to find
addresses for notification, what the requirements are for a neighborhood
meeting, and what steps the applicant needs to take to hold a neighborhood
meeting before application submittal. This change has come out of requests
from community members to be able to see past and upcoming meetings all in
one centralized place.

*Please Note:*
The information found under this section of Applicant Sponsored Meetings is
provided only as an additional form of notice and is not a requirement of
the Unified Development Ordinance (UDO). The Planning Department shares
meeting information provided by applicants as a courtesy only. As such, if
a meeting is not listed on the Neighborhood Meeting information page due to
an oversight on the part of the applicant or the Planning Department, the
meeting can still be held as long as all UDO mailed notice requirements
were met per UDO paragraph 3.2.3, https://durham.municipal.codes/UDO/3.2.3.
*Durham Boards and Commissions*

*Durham County Board of County Commissioners*

*Regular Session, Monday, April 8, 2024, at 7:00 p.m.*
*In-Person and Virtual Session*
Link to the Durham County Board of County Commissioners Agenda

The Board of County Commissioners will hold public hearings on *April** 8,
2024, at the meeting beginning at 7:00 p.m. *in the Commissioners'
Chambers, 2nd Floor, Durham County Administration I, 200 E. Main Street.

*No cases will be presented by the Planning Department.*

*Public Participation:* Residents may attend in person, via Zoom, or watch
live on the County’s website
and on DTN. Seating is limited inside the Chambers due to social distancing
guidelines, and is on a first-come, first-serve basis, with priority given
to County staff. A low-capacity overflow seating area is provided in the
lobby on the second floor of the Administration Building. Individuals
seated in the lobby can view the meeting on screens. Residents who wish to
observe meetings are encouraged to continue using the virtual option.

Residents may deliver comments on agenda items for the meeting in person or
virtually. Please refer to the following web page for ways to
participate: Commissioner
The Zoom meeting link will be posted during the week before the scheduled

All Board of County Commissioner meetings and other Durham County content
are available for viewing on the Durham County YouTube Channel
<https://www.youtube.com/user/DCoWebmaster/videos>. Rebroadcasts of the
meeting are available on the Durham Television Network on Spectrum Channel
8, AT&T U-verse Channel 99, Google Fiber Channel 8, and Frontier
Communications Channel 70. On-demand video may be watched once it is
uploaded to the County's website

For more information about the Board of County Commissioners’ meetings and
agendas, visit the website
Citizens may also call the Clerk to the Board at 919-560-0025 or email to
mwwallace at dconc.gov.
*Durham City-County Planning Commission*

*Tuesday, April 9, 2024, at 5:30 p.m.*
*In-Person and Virtual Session*
Link to the Durham City-County Planning Commission Agenda

The Durham Planning Commission will hold in-person and virtual public
hearings on* April 9, 2024, at the meeting beginning at 5:30 p.m. *in the
City Council Chambers, 1st Floor, 101 City Hall Plaza, to hear the

*Plan Amendment:*

*Duke East Campus Addition (A2200003)* is a request to change two parcels
from the Downtown Tier to the Urban Tier located at 700 West Pettigrew
and 117 South Buchanan Boulevard.

*Zoning Changes:*

*Sagebrook (Z2200019)* change Residential Rural (RR) and Falls/Jordan
District B Watershed Protection Overlay (F/J-B) to Planned Development
Residential 6.943 (PDR 6.943) and Falls/Jordan District B Watershed
Protection Overlay (F/J-B) located at 2553 Chadwick Place, and 2518 and
2530 Burton Road.

*Alford Tract (Z2300031)* change Residential Rural (RR), Residential
Suburban-20 (RS-20), and Falls/Jordan District B Watershed Protection
Overlay (F/J-B) to Planned Development Residential 7.698 (PDR 7.698) and
Falls/Jordan District B Watershed Protection Overlay (F/J-B), located at 433
Sherron Road

*Duke Central Campus Addition (Z2200047*) is a request to change 10 parcels
in the Office Institutional (OI), Commercial General (CG), Residential
Urban-Multifamily (RU-M), Commercial Neighborhood (CN), Compact Design-Core
with a Development Plan (CD-C(D)), Commercial General with a Development
Plan CG(D), and Office Institutional with a Development Plan (Ol(D)) to
University and College with a Development Plan (UC(D)) located South of NC
147, East of Fulton Street, west of Campus Drive. In addition, change 49
other Duke-owned parcels from University and College with a Development
Plan (UC(D)) to University and College with a Development Plan (UC(D)).

*Duke East Campus Addition (Z2200048)* located at Duke University East
Campus is a request to change three parcels in the Residential
Urban-Multifamily with a Development Plan (RU-M(D)), and Downtown Design-S1
(DD-S1) to University and College with a Development Plan (UC(D)). In
addition, change 29 other Duke owned parcels from University and College
with a Development Plan (UC(D)) to University and College with a
Development Plan (UC(D)).

Substantial changes to the proposed action may be made following the public
hearing for each case. For information about the cases, contact
Growth at DurhamNC.gov or at 919-560-4137. The meeting will be held in person
in the City Council Chambers, 1st Floor, 101 City Hall Plaza
and online. Register to speak at the hearing.

https://us06web.zoom.us/webinar/register/WN_fA8uZyfWQ2-fOavkluwO2A Webinar
ID: *827 2328 3404*, or by calling 1-301-715-8592. Instructions to
participate in the virtual meeting or to watch it live are available at:
*Durham City Council *

*Monday, April 15, 2024, at 7:00 p.m.*
*In-Person and Virtual Session*
Link to the Durham City Council Agenda

The Durham City Council will hold in-person and virtual public hearings on
*Apri**l** 15, 2024, at the meeting beginning at 7:00 p.m. *in the City
Council Chambers, 1st Floor, 101 City Hall Plaza, to hear the following


*Wake Olive Apartments (BDG2200023)* non-contiguous voluntary annexation of
two parcels of land totaling 12.16 acres located at 5247 and 5255 Wake
Forest Hwy

*Zoning Changes:*

*Wake Olive Apartments (Z2200043)* change Residential Rural (RR),
Residential Suburban-20 (RS-20), and Falls/Jordan District B (F/J-B),
County Jurisdiction, to Planned Development Residential 17.928 (PDR 17.928)
and Falls/Jordan District B (F/J-B), City Jurisdiction, located at
5247 and 5255
Wake Forest Highway

*Trellis Durham RTP (Z2400004)* change Office and Institutional with a
Graphic Development Plan (OI(D)) (Graphic), Falls/Jordan District B
Watershed Protection Overlay (F/J-B), and Major Transportation Corridor
I-40 (MTC I-40) to Office and Institutional with Textual Development Plan
(OI(D)) (Textual), Falls/Jordan District B Watershed Protection Overlay
(F/J-B), and Major Transportation Corridor I-40 (MTC I-40) located at 201
Residence Inn Boulevard

Changes to the proposed actions may be made following the public hearing
for each case. For information, contact Growth at DurhamNC.gov or at
919-560-4137. The meeting will be held in person in the City Council
Chambers, 1st Floor, 101 City Hall Plaza
and online using the Zoom virtual meeting platform.

*Public Participation: *Regular business meetings will take place in the
City Council chambers and virtually via Zoom, unless otherwise noted
on the City
of Durham website <https://durhamnc.gov/AgendaCenter/City-Council-4>.
Virtual participation is encouraged. To participate using the Zoom virtual
meeting platform, see the agenda
<https://durhamnc.gov/AgendaCenter/City-Council-4> for the Council session.
The Zoom link is at the top of the agenda. Agendas are posted the Thursday
prior to the public hearing. Registration to speak during the City Council
Meeting on an agenda item that is not a public hearing must be submitted* by
2:00 p.m.* on the day of the City Council Meeting. Virtual access will
be *audio
only*. Please refer to the following web page for ways to participate: City
Council Meetings & Work Sessions - Ways to Watch, Attend, Comment | Durham,
NC (durhamnc.gov)

*Notice under the Language Access Plan*
Persons requiring language assistance to effectively participate in this
event may contact the City-County Planning Department at 919-560-4137 to
request interpretation and/or translation services as soon as possible but
no later than 48 hours before the event or deadline date.

*Aviso bajo el Plan de Acceso al Idioma*
Personas que requieran asistencia lingüística para participar efectivamente
en este evento pueden comuníquense con el Departamento de Planificación de
la Cuidad y el Condado al 919-560-4137. Para solicitar los servicios de
interpretación y / o traducción tan pronto como sea posible pero no menos
de 48 horas antes del evento o fecha límite.

*Notice under the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA)*
Persons with disabilities may receive an auxiliary aid or service to
effectively participate in city government activities by contacting the ADA
Coordinator, voice 919-560-4197, fax 919-560-4196, or ADA at DurhamNC.gov, as
soon as possible but no later than 48 hours before the event or deadline

*Aviso bajo la Ley sobre Estadounidenses con Discapacidades (ADA, siglas en
Personas con discapacidades pueden recibir asistencia para participar
efectivamente en actividades del gobierno de la ciudad al comuníquense con
el Coordinador de ADA al 919-560-4197, fax 919-560-4196 o ADA at DurhamNC.gov,
tan pronto como sea posible pero no menos de 48 horas antes del evento o
fecha límite.
*Find More Information about Board and Commission Agendas*

The City's Agenda Center web page <https://www.durhamnc.gov/AgendaCenter>
has the latest agenda materials and minutes for all City-County Boards and
Commissions. See also the Public Hearings page
<https://www.durhamnc.gov/3012/Public-Hearings> on the City Clerk's web

   - The Durham City Council
   agenda materials are available according to the City Clerk's schedule.
   - The Durham County Board of County Commissioners
   agenda materials are available on the County Commissioners' web page.
   - Text Amendments to the *Unified Development Ordinance* can be found on
   the Pending Text Amendment
   <https://durhamnc.gov/415/Pending-Text-Amendments> web page.
   - Agenda materials are available by the Friday before the meeting for
   the following (linked to their Agenda Center web page):
      - Durham Planning Commission

      - Board of Adjustment

      - Historic Preservation Commission
      - Joint City-County Planning Committee

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