[Durham INC] Duke re-zoning April 9 Planning Commission

R Z richard.ziglar at gmail.com
Mon Apr 8 22:07:25 EDT 2024

Hi INC folks,

Someone asked me if Duke is trying to change the existing committed
elements for East Campus and Central Campus. Please see my reply below.

*Is Duke trying to change the existing committed elements for East Campus
or Central Campus?*

Well it depends on your point of view. What they are requesting is that the
committed elements adopted originally will *not* apply to the new additions
being proposed. So with all these new lots, no they do not get the same
committed elements. That is true with both the Central and East Campus

The additions to Central Campus are being considered tomorrow night by the
Planning Commission as well. So Duke has two separate plans up for
consideration, one for East Campus and one for Central Campus..

The agenda:

East Campus Additions:
Central Campus Additions:

HTH --Richard Ziglar

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