[Durham INC] May Delegate Meeting - 28th @7pm IN PERSON!

Mimi Kessler mimikessler1 at gmail.com
Tue May 28 14:46:02 EDT 2024

REVISED: I hope the audio IS of sufficient quality. (I started writing "I
hope the audio is not too bad.")

On Tue, May 28, 2024 at 2:13 PM Mimi Kessler <mimikessler1 at gmail.com> wrote:

> OK. You win. I will set up my laptop to capture and record it. I hope the
> audio is not of sufficient quality.
> Here is a link. https://us02web.zoom.us/j/86743976968
> On Tue, May 28, 2024 at 2:23 AM Debra Hawkins <dhawkins913311 at gmail.com>
> wrote:
>> It's not about me personally or my need to 'socialize', but about
>> important city engagement that every citizen, no matter their health,
>> disability or privilege, should have access and accommodation about, and
>> the audio in every one of the previous zoom based meetings, as well as on
>> standard dial-in conference technologies (either in digital space dial in,
>> or via a tabletop system) that have been available for years, is perfectly
>> fine - since the FDA, the CDC, Wall Street and several government and
>> corporate entities that allow public listening, access and Q & A use all
>> the time, as well as for numerous webinars. To say otherwise is to
>> discredit all that and kind of a weak argument for not investing in
>> participatory governance for this delegatory body.
>> I'm cc'ing Pakis on this as I'm certain he's familiar with the good
>> quality techical phone in digital space, tabletop, and app based systems
>> for facilitating a simple digital access for those who require it to be
>> engaged citizen participants. And many are at reasonable cost, especially
>> for the INS treasury which has available funds and not too many demands on
>> them as compared to other nonprofit groups that don't get free work/meeting
>> spaces and have little overhead and available discretionary funds.
>> Thank you for reconsidering and making at least a little effort to create
>> ADA access for meetings and to solicit more disabled citizen's experience
>> with such technologies rather than the opinion or experience of a few who
>> are able-bodied/privileged with somewhat different or better health
>> circumstances. It's also true that the technology need not be set up every
>> time if you adopt a registration approach and no one regiters ahead of that
>> meeting, if that is a useful strategem for operations, expense etc.
>> Debra
>> On Sun, May 26, 2024 at 3:52 PM Mimi Kessler <mimikessler1 at gmail.com>
>> wrote:
>>> Thank you for expressing your needs and concerns. Having participated in
>>> many hybrid meetings, I find that the audio is hardly ever satisfactory
>>> even when hosts make an extraordinary effort with microphones
>>> and/or speakers.
>>> I am willing to try this in the future, but at least half the purpose of
>>> this particular meeting is about socializing. Sorry you cannot be there.
>>> Mimi Kessler
>>> 919-599-2892
>>> On Sun, May 26, 2024 at 1:52 PM Debra Hawkins <dhawkins913311 at gmail.com>
>>> wrote:
>>>> As this meeting and possible future ones will not be moving to a hybrid
>>>> model like many other community organizations have elected, as a disabled
>>>> immunocompromised person I will not be a citizen that can attend, and this
>>>> is also true for elders and those who may be ill/at home/with
>>>> children/mobility concerns, other disabilities relating to in person
>>>> engagement, and citizens who may be away from Durham but want to
>>>> participate when select guests are presenting vital information about a
>>>> time critical matter.
>>>> I would strongly encourage the delegates and the officers of INC to
>>>> table emotion and discussion about ensuring that the access and work of the
>>>> council is not only participatory in a safe and accessible way for immune
>>>> competent individuals and others with health privilege - or access to child
>>>> care. And employ strategies to ensure that everyone in Durham's community
>>>> including the disabled can be full participants and contributors to the
>>>> activities of the INC if they desire to do so. (Certainly the technology is
>>>> readily available and if not already in possession of the INC delegation,
>>>> quite inexpensive to come by (and the INC treasury/dues most likely
>>>> available to acquire it).
>>>> Thank you to all present INC delegates and others in this listserve
>>>> community for considering this very important issue.
>>>> D Hawkins, former NPNA delegate to the INC and past member of the
>>>> nominating, neighborhood heroes event,  environmental action (Chair) and
>>>> technology subcommittees
>>>> On Sat, May 25, 2024, 4:16 PM Mimi Kessler <mimikessler1 at gmail.com>
>>>> wrote:
>>>>> I am pleased to announce that for the first time since covid, *we are
>>>>> meeting in person!* It will be great to see each other in
>>>>> 3-dimensions. We will meet at Golden Belt (807 E Main St), Building 2, in
>>>>> the Neighborhood Improvement Services conference room on the third floor.
>>>>> Parking is available both in front and back of the building.
>>>>> Council Member* Nate Baker* will be joining us again to update us on
>>>>> the progress of the UDO re-write.
>>>>> The business meeting will be fairly brief in favor of *adjourning to
>>>>> a local establishment to get to know each other better. We hope anyone
>>>>> interested will join us and we encourage former delegates and friends of
>>>>> INC to join us too.*
>>>>> Agenda attached.
>>>>> --
>>>>> Mimi Kessler
>>>>> INC President, 2023-24
>>>>> 919-599-2892
>>>>> _______________________________________________
>>>>> INC Website: https://sites.google.com/view/durhaminc/
>>>>> Durham INC Mailing List
>>>>> inc-list at lists.deltaforce.net
>>>>> https://lists.deltaforce.net/mailman/listinfo/inc-list
>>>> _______________________________________________
>>>> INC Website: https://sites.google.com/view/durhaminc/
>>>> Durham INC Mailing List
>>>> inc-list at lists.deltaforce.net
>>>> https://lists.deltaforce.net/mailman/listinfo/inc-list
> --
> Mimi Kessler
> 919-599-2892
> "Democracy is not a spectator sport" - John Deen
> Please vote every chance you get.

Mimi Kessler
"Democracy is not a spectator sport" - John Deen
Please vote every chance you get.
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