[Durham INC] draft May Minutes

Pat Carstensen pats1717 at hotmail.com
Sat Jun 22 08:37:11 EDT 2024

May Delegate Meeting
InterNeighborhood Council of Durham, in person (at Neighborhood Improvement Services, Golden Belt)
May 28, 2024

Attending the meeting were:
Bragtown – Vannessa Mason Evans
Burch Avenue – Richard Ziglar
Cross Counties – Pat Carstensen, Ed Harrison
Long Meadow – Pakis Bessias
Merrick-Moore – Bonita Green
Morehead Hill – Bruce Mitchell
Northgate Park – Debra Hawkins
Old North Durham – Mimi O’Brien
Trinity Park –  Mimi Kessler, Mary Molina
Watts Hospital Hillandale – Sheri Zann Rosenthal

Nate Baker

President Mimi Kessler called the meeting to order and welcomed everyone.

Nate Baker gave an overview of the results so far about the rewrite of the Unified Development Ordinance (UDO).  It’s common to do a comprehensive rewrite every 10-15 years.  The current one is complicated to understand and to navigate; furthermore, it isn’t resulting in the kinds of outcomes we want to achieve, as embodied in the Comprehensive Plan.  The consultant gave a presentation to the Joint City County Planning Commission, showing the gaps are between what we want (from the Comprehensive Plan) and what the current UDO says.  They provided an outline for the new UDO, but, it  really is lacking in detail.  There was also market analysis of lot sizing and thoughts about consolidating districts to allow a lot more density.  There is also a separate consultant for community engagement, but she did not make a presentation.  Mimi Kessler suggested that the group who analyzed SCAD be revived to look at this work more closely and report back in June.

Minutes – Mimi O’Brien moved to approve the minutes for April, Bonita seconded, the minutes were approved.  Bruce moved to approve the 5/27 version of the April minutes, Bonita seconded, and that was also approved.

Support for Burch Avenue – Mimi Kessler talked to Jennine Privat, the president of the Burch Avenue Neighborhood Association.  They will have specific requests after their June meeting, and we will have a resolution with details to look at in June and to take back to our neighborhoods for a vote. We will  vote on it in July after hearing from the neighborhoods.

The communications and outreach committee is making progress.


The Durham Land Trust is doing an information session on May 30.
Northgate Mall information session from the developer is May 29.
4th Annual Bragtown Juneteenth event will be at Lakeview Park on June 15th.
The Friends of Durham Public Library have an in-person sale on June 7-8; the on-line store is open all the time.
Rev. Emily Wilkes will talk about her work next month.


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