[Durham INC] BOCC to Meet for Regular Session on July 8

Jones, Henry R. hrjones at dconc.gov
Tue Jul 2 10:01:07 EDT 2024

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For Immediate Release                                          Date: 07/02/2024
Contact: Public Information Office                   Phone: (919) 560-0000/Fax: (919) 560-0020
E-mail: publicinformationoffice at dconc.gov<mailto:publicinformationoffice at dconc.gov>

BOCC to Meet for Regular Session on July 8
Residents may attend in person, via Zoom or watch live online

Durham, N.C. - The Durham Board of County Commissioners (BOCC) will hold a Regular Session meeting in person on Monday, July 8, 2024. This meeting will begin at 7 p.m. All sessions are held inside the Commissioners' Chambers, located on the second floor of the Administration I Building, located at 200 E. Main St. The BOCC will meet in Closed Session prior, beginning at 4:30 p.m. This is the lone scheduled session for the Board in July.

The complete 2024 BOCC meeting schedule (subject to change) is available here<https://www.dconc.gov/county-departments/departments-a-e/board-of-commissioners/commissioner-meetings-and-announcements/2024-meeting-schedule>.

The public is welcome to attend Board meetings. There is no sign-up sheet or request form to attend meetings, however, it is important to note that there are limited seating options. The Board now employs a hybrid option for staff and residents who wish to join the meeting virtually via Zoom, making it possible for those who cannot make it to downtown Durham to participate.

The information for joining the Monday, July 8, meeting virtually is as follows:

  *   Online link to join Zoom meeting: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/87512409864 or https://bit.ly/DCoBOCC070824
  *   Dial in number: 929-436-2866
  *   Meeting ID: 875 1240 9864 Passcode: 342012

Residents now also have the option to deliver comments on agenda items or speak at the meeting in person or virtually as well.

In-Person Speaking Option:

  *   All speakers must give their full name and address to give citizen comments or complete the Public Comment Regarding Agenda Items form<https://www.dconc.gov/home/showpublisheddocument/16329/635895892178300000> and submit it to the Clerk prior to the start of the meeting to speak on agenda items. Public Comment forms are also provided at the meeting. Rules for Public Comment on Agenda Items can be found here<https://www.dconc.gov/county-departments/departments-a-e/board-of-commissioners/commissioner-meetings-and-announcements/rules-for-public-comment-on-agenda-items>.

Hybrid Speaking Option:

  *   All speakers must submit their full name and address via email or telephone to the Clerk to the Board at clerk at dconc.gov<mailto:clerk at dconc.gov> or 919-560-0025. These submissions must be completed by 2 p.m. on Sunday, July 7.
  *   All virtual participants will be muted upon entry to the meeting. If they are signed up to speak, they will be unmuted individually by the Clerk's office during the appropriate time of the meeting to speak.

There will be three Public Hearings on the agenda for Monday's meeting:

  *   24-0353 - Public Hearing to Adopt the Resolution related to Not to Exceed $40,000,000 Revenue Bonds Series 2024 (Research Triangle Institute)
  *   24-0394 - Public Hearing to Consider a Performance-Based Award for Project High Power
  *   24-0395 - Public Hearing to Consider a Performance - Based Award for Project Foundry

Those wishing to provide comments during a Public Hearing - either in person or virtually - must sign up in advance and give the Clerk to the Board their full name and address.

Meeting agendas are uploaded at https://bit.ly/BOCCdco, when available.

Anyone who wishes to view the BOCC sessions can watch live on Durham Television Network (DTN). The meetings are also streamed live on the Durham County website<https://www.dconc.gov/county-departments/departments-a-e/board-of-commissioners/commissioner-meetings-and-announcements/bocc-agendas-video-library> and the County's YouTube channel<http://www.youtube.com/dcowebmaster>. Replays of sessions are also available at each site as well.
For more information about the Board of Commissioners, including contact information for individual members, visit here<https://www.dconc.gov/county-departments/departments-a-e/board-of-commissioners/commissioners>. Contact the Clerk to the Board's Office at 919-560-0025 or email clerk at dconc.gov<mailto:clerk at dconc.gov>.


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