[Durham INC] Fw: Upcoming Partnership for a Healthy Durham meetings

Angel Romero Ruiz angel.romero at duke.edu
Fri Aug 2 09:56:55 EDT 2024

Upcoming Partnership for a Healthy Durham meetings. Please share with your networks.

Schedule for August 

Communications Tuesday, August 6th, 9am-10am

Access to Care, Thursday, August 8th 8:30am-9:30am  

Physical Activity, Nutrition, and Food Access (PANFA) Wednesday, August 14th, 9am-10am 

Mental Health Thursday, August 15th, 1pm-2pm 

Health and Housing Tuesday, August 20th, 8:30am-9:30am 

Systemic Equity Action Team (SEAT): Tuesday, August 27, 2024 10:30am-11:30am

All committees are open to the public. For more information about the committees, to view the calendar and how to join, go to https://healthydurham.org/calendar.

Committee Updates

SEAT (Systemic Equity Action Team): SEAT started working with PANFA to use their new Partnership Racial Equity tool. They are currently working to identify what goal to start exploring.

Access to Care: Most of the work has been CHIP-related (Community Health Improvement Plans), and they are working on strategies for 2025-2027.

Health and Housing: They have been taking information gathered at the four Round Table Discussions to create their Community Health Improvement Plans. Charlene Reiss, co-chair, presented about the Health & Housing Committee to the Coalition for Affordable Housing & Transit. The group worked with Duke's Master of Biomedical Sciences students on a research project around organizations working on affordable rental housing.

PANFA (Physical Activity, Nutrition, Food Access): PANFA has continued working on their CHIPs for 2025-2027 and have solidified their relationship with the Food Security Network. There is a large focus on increasing connectivity between the community and resources and increasing a sense of community to meet nutrition/food access and physical activity needs.

Communications: The committee continued to work on CHIPs and have brainstormed objectives and strategies to accomplish goals.

Ángel Romero Ruiz, MMC, CNM

Program Coordinator, Community Partnerships

Duke Population Health Management Office

Cell: 919.812.4357

Fax: 919.660.0654

Email: angel.romero at duke.edu<mailto:angel.romero at duke.edu>

Web: phmo.dukehealth.org

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