[Durham INC] Fwd: Planning Public Notification Service - 09/20/2024

Mimi Kessler mimikessler1 at gmail.com
Wed Sep 25 10:06:46 EDT 2024

Mimi Kessler

---------- Forwarded message ---------
From: Durham City-County Planning <listserv at civicplus.com>
Date: Fri, Sep 20, 2024 at 4:38 PM
Subject: Planning Public Notification Service - 09/20/2024
To: <mimikessler1 at gmail.com>

[image: Durham Planning Public Notification Service Logo]

*September 20, 2024 *
*Fall 2024 Planning Academy Applications are open until October 11th!*

The Durham City-County Planning Department is excited to announce we are
taking applications for Planning Academy! The fall 2024 academy will be
hosted by Durham County Main Library who are partnering with the department
to offer this community learning opportunity.?*The Planning Academy
Application is now open and can be found here in English
<https://forms.office.com/g/kbuV4aEn7x>*?and?*here in Spanish
<https://forms.office.com/g/qxaCE1fnzv>*.?The application window is open
until Friday, October 11, 2024.

Fall 2024 Planning Academy is a FREE, weekend-intensive, interactive course
that aims to empower and provide residents with the tools and knowledge
they need to participate in Durham’s planning processes. This academy will
be held the weekend of November 15th and 16th at Durham County Main Library
(300 N. Roxboro St. Durham, NC 27701
The Friday session will run from 5:00 p.m. - 8:00 p.m. (with dinner
provided) and the Saturday session will run from 10:00 a.m. - 4:30 p.m.
(with a light breakfast, lunch, and snacks provided). ?

Participants can request Spanish language interpretation on the application
form. This service will be provided at no cost.

Participants will be selected with a focus on bringing together a diversity
of perspectives, identities, and lived experiences in the group to foster
an environment of learning from each other as well as from presenters. This
academy will accommodate approximately 50 participants and applicants who
are selected to participate will be notified beginning on Monday, October
28, 2024.?

More information can be found on this page:?*Durham Planning Academy?

*¡Las solicitudes para la Academia de Planificación de Otoño de 2024 están
abiertas hasta el 11 de octubre!*

¡El Departamento de Planificación de la Ciudad y el Condado de Durham se
complace en anunciar que estamos aceptando solicitudes para la Academia de
Planificación! La academia de otoño de 2024 será organizada por la
Biblioteca Principal del Condado de Durham, que se asocia con el
departamento para ofrecer esta oportunidad de aprendizaje comunitario. *La
Solicitud de la Academia de Planificación ya está abierta y se puede
encontrar aquí en inglés <https://forms.office.com/g/kbuV4aEn7x>* y *aquí
en español <https://forms.office.com/g/qxaCE1fnzv>**.* La ventana de
solicitud está abierta hasta el viernes 11 de octubre de 2024.

La Academia de Planificación de otoño 2024 es un curso interactivo
GRATUITO, intensivo de fin de semana, que tiene como objetivo empoderar y
brindar a los residentes las herramientas y el conocimiento que necesitan
para participar en los procesos de planificación de Durham. Esta academia
se llevará a cabo el fin de semana del 15 y 16 de noviembre en la
Biblioteca Principal del Condado de Durham (300 N. Roxboro St. Durham, NC
La sesión del viernes se desarrollará de 5:00 p.m. a 8:00 p.m. (con cena
incluida) y la sesión del sábado se desarrollará de 10:00 a.m. a 4:30 p.m.
(con desayuno ligero, almuerzo, y bocadillos incluidos).

Los participantes pueden solicitar interpretación al idioma español en el
formulario de solicitud. Este servicio se proporcionará sin coste alguno.

Los participantes serán seleccionados con un enfoque en reunir una
diversidad de perspectivas, identidades y experiencias vividas en el grupo
para fomentar un ambiente de aprendizaje mutuo y de los presentadores. Esta
academia tendrá capacidad para aproximadamente 50 participantes y los
solicitantes seleccionados para participar serán notificados a partir del
lunes 28 de octubre de 2024.

Puede encontrar más información en esta página: *Academia de Planificación
de Durham
*New Unified Development Ordinance (UDO) Project Update*

The creation of the new Unified Development Ordinance (UDO) is being led by
Code Studio and a team of technical consultants. Planning Department staff
is leading the community-wide engagement, and T. G. Allen and Associates is
providing specialized engagement centering on historically marginalized
communities. The project kicked off in February 2024, and work to date has
focused on providing project awareness and education and on assessing the
existing code in relation to the new Comprehensive Plan.
[image: New UDO Engagement Sessions] <http://EngageDurham.com/NewUDO>

Save-the-date! Help write new rules for how land is developed in Durham!

Please join us for one of these upcoming engagements on draft rules for the
New Unified Development Ordinance (UDO):

   - Tuesday, October 1 at 5:30PM, East Regional Library
   <https://durhamcountylibrary.org/location/east-regional-library/>, 211
   Lick Creek Lane
   - Saturday, October 5 at 10AM, South Regional Library
   <https://durhamcountylibrary.org/location/south-regional-library/>, 4505
   S Alston Ave
   - Tuesday, October 22 at 6PM, Zoom Virtual Meeting
   - Saturday, November 9 at 10:30AM, North Regional Library
   <https://durhamcountylibrary.org/location/north-regional-library/>, 221
   Milton Rd
   - Tuesday, November 19 at 5:30PM, Main Library
   <https://durhamcountylibrary.org/location/main-library/>, 300 N Roxboro

Each session will include a presentation on proposed new zoning districts
and zoning map and time for discussion and input. Snacks, children’s
activities, and Spanish language materials and interpretation will be

Registration is optional for the in-person engagements and will help us
prepare adequate materials: https://www.surveymonkey.com/r/JNZCQFP.
Registration is required for the Zoom virtual session:
*Actualización del Proyecto de la Nueva Ordenanza Unificada de Desarrollo

La creación de la nueva Ordenanza Unificada de Desarrollo (UDO) está
liderada por Code Studio y un equipo de consultores técnicos. El personal
del Departamento de Planificación lidera la participación de toda la
comunidad, y T. G. Allen and Associates brinda servicios para aumentar la
participación de comunidades históricamente marginadas. El proyecto comenzó
en febrero de 2024 y el trabajo hasta la fecha se ha centrado en brindar
concientización y educación sobre el proyecto y en evaluar el código
existente en relación con el nuevo Plan Integral.
[image: Reserve la fecha] <https://engagedurham.com/35/New-UDO>

¡Reserve la fecha! ¡Ayude a escribir las nuevas reglas para desarrollo
territorial en Durham!

Participa con nosotros en cualquiera de estas próximas citas sobre el
proyecto de reglas para la Nueva Ordenanza Unificada de Desarrollo (UDO):

   - Martes 1 de octubre a las 5:30 p.m., East Regional Library (Biblioteca
   Regional del Este
   211 Lick Creek Lane
   - Sábado 5 de octubre a las 10 a. m., South Regional Library (Biblioteca
   Regional Sur
   4505 S. Alston Ave
   - Martes 22 de octubre a las 6 p.m., Reunión virtual de Zoom
   - Sábado 9 de noviembre a las 10:30 a.m., North Regional Library (Biblioteca
   Regional Norte
   221 Milton Rd
   - Martes 19 de noviembre a las 5:30 p.m., Main Library (Biblioteca
   <https://durhamcountylibrary.org/location/main-library/?lang=es>), 300
   N. Roxboro Rd

Cada sesión incluirá una presentación sobre los nuevos distritos de
zonificación propuestos, el mapa de zonificación, tiempo para discusión y
aportes. Se proporcionarán refrigerios y actividades para niños. Así como
materiales e interpretación en español.

El registro es opcional para las sesiones de participación en persona, y
esto nos ayudará a preparar materiales adecuados:
https://www.surveymonkey.com/r/JNZCQFP. Es necesario registrarse para la
sesión virtual de Zoom:
*Walltown Small Area Plan*

The Planning Department has released the first chapter of the Walltown
Small Area Plan: Policy Guidance for the Former Northgate Mall Site. It
includes 19 policies intended to guide development decisions made by City
Council for the former Northgate Mall site.

We want to hear from you! Did we hit the mark? Is there anything missing or
that should be changed in the document? *An online survey
is available and will stay open through October 4*.

For more information about the Walltown Small Area Plan see the project
website <https://www.durhamnc.gov/5264/Walltown-Small-Area-Plan> or
contact Carl
Kolosna <Carl.Kolosna at DurhamNC.gov>.
[image: Walltown Small Area Plan Map]
*Applicant-Sponsored Neighborhood Meetings*

A list of upcoming and past neighborhood meetings can be found on the
Meeting Information
<https://www.durhamnc.gov/3928/Neighborhood-Meeting-Information> page. The
web page includes information on how to find addresses for notification,
what the requirements are for a neighborhood meeting, and what steps the
applicant needs to take to hold a neighborhood meeting before application

*Please Note:*
The Planning Department shares meeting information provided by applicants
as a courtesy only. As such, if a meeting is not listed on the Neighborhood
Meeting Information page due to an oversight on the part of the applicant
or the Planning Department, the meeting can still be held as long as all
UDO mailed notice requirements were met per UDO paragraph 3.2.3,
*Durham Rezoning Explorer - DRE*

Durham community members have a way to learn more about proposed rezonings
and annexations! Our Durham Rezoning Explorer has information about active
zoning and annexation applications. It also allows community members to
share input on these proposals. Input may be used to impact the project
itself, planning staff analysis, and information communicated to the
Planning Commission, City Council, or Board of County Commissioners. Find
the Durham Rezoning Explorer at ENGAGEDurham.com <https://engagedurham.com/>
*Durham County Board of County Commissioners*

*Regular Session, Monday, September 23, 2024, at 7:00 p.m.*
*In-Person and Virtual Session*
Link to the Durham County Board of County Commissioners Agenda

The Board of County Commissioners will hold public hearings on* September
23**, 2024, at the meeting beginning at 7:00 p.m. *in the Commissioners'
Chambers, 2nd Floor, Durham County Administration I, 200 E. Main Street.

*No cases will be presented by the Planning Department.*

*Public Participation:* Residents may attend in person, via Zoom, or watch
live on the County’s website
and on DTN. Seating is limited inside the Chambers due to social distancing
guidelines, and is on a first-come, first-serve basis, with priority given
to County staff. A low-capacity overflow seating area is provided in the
lobby on the second floor of the Administration Building. Individuals
seated in the lobby can view the meeting on screens. Residents who wish to
observe meetings are encouraged to continue using the virtual option.

Residents may deliver comments on agenda items for the meeting in person or
virtually. Please refer to the following web page for ways to
participate: Commissioner
The Zoom meeting link will be posted during the week before the scheduled

All Board of County Commissioner meetings and other Durham County content
are available for viewing on the Durham County YouTube Channel
<https://www.youtube.com/user/DCoWebmaster/videos>. Rebroadcasts of the
meeting are available on the Durham Television Network on Spectrum Channel
8, AT&T U-verse Channel 99, Google Fiber Channel 8, and Frontier
Communications Channel 70. On-demand video may be watched once it is
uploaded to the County's website

For more information about the Board of County Commissioners’ meetings and
agendas, visit the website
Citizens may also call the Clerk to the Board at 919-560-0025 or email to
mwwallace at dconc.gov.
*Durham Board of Adjustment*

*Tuesday, September 24, 2024, at 8:30 a.m.*
*Committee Room, Second Floor, 101 City Hall Plaza
Link to the Board of Adjustment Agenda

The Durham City-County Board of Adjustment will hold public hearings
on* September
24**, 2024, at the meeting beginning at 8:30 a.m. *in the Committee Room,
Second Floor, 101 City Hall Plaza, to hear the following requests in
quasi-judicial hearings:

   - *B2400020 – City:* A request for a Variance from the street tree
   standards The property is located at 2947 Chapel Hill Road, zoned
   Commercial Neighborhood (CN) and within the Suburban Development Tier.
   - *B2400024 – City:* A request for a Minor Special Use Permit for the
   development of a single-family residence on a nonconforming lot of record.
   The property is located at 8250 Massey Chapel Road, zoned Residential Rural
   (RR), Falls/Jordan District B (F/J-B) Watershed Protection Overlay, and
   within the Suburban Development Tier.
   - *B2400026 – City:* A request for a Variance from the riparian buffer
   standards to construct a single-family residence. The property is located
   at 8250 Massey Chapel Road, zoned Residential Rural (RR), Falls/Jordan
   District B (F/J-B) Watershed Protection Overlay, and within the Suburban
   Development Tier.
   - *B2400027 – City:* a request for a Variance from the side yard setback
   standards to construct a single-family residence. The property is located
   at 8250 Massey Chapel Road, zoned Residential Rural (RR), Falls/Jordan
   District B (F/J-B) Watershed Protection Overlay, and within the Suburban
   Development Tier.

*Public Review: *The agenda can be viewed on the BOA website
https://durhamnc.gov/1372/Board-of-Adjustment-BOA. For further information,
contact BOA at DurhamNC.gov, or Leigha Larkins at 919-560-4137 ext. 28263.

*Public Participation: *The Chair will recognize all persons wishing to
speak and will allocate time to individual speakers based upon the number
of persons to be heard. All persons wishing to speak will be required to
swear or affirm their testimony. Substantial changes to the proposed action
may be made following the public hearing. The Chair reserves the right to
limit repetitive or hearsay testimony.
*Historic Preservation Commission*

*Tuesday, October 1, 2024, at 9:00 a.m.*
*Committee Room, 2nd Floor, 101 City Hall Plaza
Link to the Durham Historic Preservation Commission Agenda

The Durham Historic Preservation Commission will hold a public hearing
on* October
1, 2024, at the meeting beginning at 9:00 a.m*. to consider the following
requests in quasi-judicial hearings:

*Certificates of Appropriateness:*

   - *COA2400046 - **1308 Vickers Avenue* *(Continued from September 10,
   2024)* Grading of front yard with installation of new driveway, along
   with other associated site work.
- *COA2400047 - 2309 West Club Boulevard *Modifications to rear
   fenestration and rear addition.

Substantial changes to the proposed actions may be made following the
public hearing for each case. For more information about the cases, email
Preservation at DurhamNC.gov or call 919-560-4137.

*Public Participation:* This meeting will be held at City Hall in the 2nd
Floor Committee Room, 101 City Hall Plaza, Durham NC, 27701
The Chair will recognize all persons wishing to speak and will allocate
time to individual speakers based upon the number of persons to be heard.
All persons wishing to speak will be required to swear or affirm their
testimony. Substantial changes to the proposed action may be made following
the public hearing. The chair reserves the right to limit repetitive or
hearsay testimony.
*Durham City Council*

*Monday, October 7, 2024, at 7:00 p.m.*
*In-Person and Virtual Session*
Link to the Durham City Council Agenda

The Durham City Council will hold in-person and virtual public
hearings on *October
7**, 2024, at the meeting beginning at 7:00 p.m. *in the City Council
Chambers, 1st Floor, 101 City Hall Plaza, to hear the following requests:


   - *Parmer Edge (BDG2300017)* is a request for a contiguous voluntary
   annexation of sixteen parcels of land totaling 183.169 acres located at
   3426, 3442 and 3516 Angier Avenue, 651, 675
   and 683 Ellis Road
   3402, 3520, 3540 and 3602 Rigsbee Road, and 2435, 2505, 2590, 2801, 2815
   and 3654 Glover Road.
   - *Bristlewood Right-of-Way (BDG2300030)* is a request for a
   non-contiguous voluntary annexation of land totaling 0.089 acres located
   adjacent to 344 Broach Road.

   *Yates Right-of-Way (BDG2300031)* is a request for a non-contiguous
   voluntary annexation of land totaling 0.239 acres located adjacent to 1824
   S. Mineral Springs Road.

*Zoning Map Changes:*

   - *Duke Central Campus Addition (Z2200047) **(Continued from August 19,
   2024)* is a request to change the zoning of 10 parcels from Office
   Institutional (OI), Commercial General (CG), Residential Urban-Multifamily
   (RU-M), Commercial Neighborhood (CN), Compact Design-Core with a
   Development Plan (CD-C(D)), Commercial General with a Development Plan
   CG(D), and Office Institutional with a Development Plan (Ol(D)) to
   University and College with a Development Plan (UC(D)) located south of NC
   147, east of Fulton Street, west of Campus Drive. In addition, change 49
   other Duke-owned parcels from University and College with a Development
   Plan (UC(D)) to University and College with a Development Plan (UC(D)).
- *Sunrock Camden (Z2300012)* is a request to change the zoning from
   Industrial (I) and Industrial Light?(IL), Falls/Jordan District B Watershed
   Protection Overlay (F/J-B) and MTC I-85 to Industrial (I), Falls/Jordan
   District B Watershed Protection Overlay (F/J-B) and MTC I-85 located at
   1503 Camden Avenue.
   - *Parmer Edge (Z2300027A)* is a request to change the zoning from
   Industrial Light (IL) and Residential Rural (RR), Falls/Jordan District B
   Watershed Protection Overlay (F/J-B), County jurisdiction to Industrial
   Light (IL) and Residential Rural (RR), Falls/Jordan District B Watershed
   Protection Overlay (F/J-B), City jurisdiction located at 3426, 3442 and 3516
   Angier Avenue, 651, 675
   and 683 Ellis Road
   3402, 3520, 3540 and 3602 Rigsbee Road, and 2435, 2505, 2590, 2801, 2815
   and 3654 Glover Road.?
   - *Bristlewood Right-of-Way (Z2300047A)* is a request to change the
   zoning from Planned Development Residential 4.166 (PDR 4.166) and
   Residential Suburban-20 (RS-20), County Jurisdiction to Planned Development
   Residential 4.166 (PDR 4.166) and Residential Suburban-20 (RS-20), City
   jurisdiction located adjacent to 344 Broach Road.
   - *Yates Right-of-Way (Z2300048A)* is a request to change the zoning
   from Residential Suburban-20 (RS-20), Falls/Jordan District B Watershed
   Protection Overlay (F/J-B) County jurisdiction to Residential Suburban-20
   (RS-20), Falls/Jordan District B Watershed Protection Overlay (F/J-B) City
   jurisdiction located adjacent to 1824 South Mineral Springs Road.

*Contact Information: *Substantial changes to the proposed actions may be
made following the public hearing for each case. For information about the
cases, contact Growth at DurhamNC.gov or call 919-560-4137.

*Public Participation: *Regular business meetings will take place in the
City Council chambers and virtually via Zoom, unless otherwise noted
on the City
of Durham website <https://durhamnc.gov/AgendaCenter/City-Council-4>.
Virtual participation is encouraged. To participate using the Zoom virtual
meeting platform, see the agenda
<https://durhamnc.gov/AgendaCenter/City-Council-4> for the Council session.
The Zoom link is at the top of the agenda. Agendas are posted the Thursday
prior to the public hearing. Registration to speak during the City Council
Meeting on an agenda item that is not a public hearing must be submitted* by
2:00 p.m.* on the day of the City Council Meeting. Virtual access will
be *audio
only*. Please refer to the following web page for ways to participate: City
Council Meetings & Work Sessions - Ways to Watch, Attend, Comment | Durham,
NC (durhamnc.gov)


*Notice under the Language Access Plan*
Persons requiring language assistance to effectively participate in this
event may contact the City-County Planning Department at 919-560-4137 to
request interpretation and/or translation services as soon as possible but
no later than 48 hours before the event or deadline date.

*Aviso bajo el Plan de Acceso al Idioma*
Personas que requieran asistencia lingüística para participar efectivamente
en este evento pueden comuníquense con el Departamento de Planificación de
la Cuidad y el Condado al 919-560-4137. Para solicitar los servicios de
interpretación y / o traducción tan pronto como sea posible pero no menos
de 48 horas antes del evento o fecha límite.

*Notice under the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA)*
Persons with disabilities may receive an auxiliary aid or service to
effectively participate in city government activities by contacting the ADA
Coordinator, voice 919-560-4197, fax 919-560-4196, or ADA at DurhamNC.gov, as
soon as possible but no later than 48 hours before the event or deadline

*Aviso bajo la Ley sobre Estadounidenses con Discapacidades (ADA, siglas en
Personas con discapacidades pueden recibir asistencia para participar
efectivamente en actividades del gobierno de la ciudad al comuníquense con
el Coordinador de ADA al 919-560-4197, fax 919-560-4196 o ADA at DurhamNC.gov,
tan pronto como sea posible pero no menos de 48 horas antes del evento o
fecha límite.
*Find More Information about Board and Commission Agendas*

The City's Agenda Center web page <https://www.durhamnc.gov/AgendaCenter>
has the latest agenda materials and minutes for all City-County Boards and
Commissions. See also the Public Hearings page
<https://www.durhamnc.gov/3012/Public-Hearings> on the City Clerk's web
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