[Esip-drupal] ESIP Summer Drupal Lab 2013 is happy to include Angela Byron (webchick)

Bruce Caron bruce at tnms.org
Thu May 2 18:45:11 EDT 2013

Hello ESIP Drupalistas,

Webchick has decided to join us for the Summer Drupal Lab on July 9.  In
the morning she will be presenting on Drupal 8 --

(Angie is taking suggestions for specific aspects of D8 that you'all want
to hear about, so reply to this email with suggestions and I'll forward
them to her),

--and she will stay around all afternoon at the unconference sessions.

This is a great opportunity to get to know one of the main Drupal core

Here she is on Drupal.org


On Twitter:  @webchick

If you have a presentation idea, please get this to me ASAP, the morning
lineup is filling up fast.



Bruce Caron, PhD
New Media Studio
417 Samarkand Drive
Santa Barbara, CA 93105
(805)966 1100
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