INC NEWS - Beware of Used Homes

Melissa Rooney mmr121570 at
Thu Mar 2 17:17:38 EST 2006

Hi again. I received an email from the organization
"Poetry in Paradise" indicating that they have no
affiliation with NewHomes101. I definitely linked to
their website from the NewHomes101 website (I wouldn't
have a clue that they existed otherwise), but when I
returned to NewHomes101 I could not find them
anywhere. Pretty dodgy, hey?

At any rate, if you do send your thoughts to the list
of e-mails I gave you (from the NewHomes101 site),
please omit the following email address:
office1 at

(I did feel their site was out of place, since it was
sold home items, and not homes...the other addresses
were clearly associated with home sales, though not
necessarily new homes).


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