INC NEWS - Need Neighborhood Watch Signs

Mike Woodard mike at
Wed Jan 2 13:19:10 EST 2008

Chuck: It's not as simple as having a stack in the trunk of your car and
just bolting them to a pole. Email me separately and I'll take care of
directing you to the correct person. Mike W.

  ----- Original Message -----
  From: "Chuck Clifton"
  To: inc-list at
  Subject: Need Neighborhood Watch Signs
  Date: Wed, 2 Jan 2008 12:43:58 -0500

  Fellow INCers ...

  My neighborhood association (Long Meadow) has been trying to get
  Neighborhood Watch signs posted for over 10 months.  Apparently there
  is some sort of logjam in getting the signs ordered and delivered.  I
  think it is unfortunate that my neighborhood (and others since many
  are waiting on these signs) has worked so hard to form an association
  and get block captains in place only to not have any clear
  notification to those moving about the neighborhood that it is being
  actively watched. 

  I'm well aware that in Durham the squeaky wheel gets the grease.  So
  I'm appealing to you for guidance on to whom you think we should be
  squeaking to get our Neighborhood Watch signs! 

  If we truly believe that neighborhood watches make a difference and
  that the City is willing to do its part to support us in this, I
  would expect there to be a warehouse of signs just waiting to be
  given out.  I would expect Crime Prevention officers to have a pallet
  load in the trunks of their patrol cars driving around squeezing
  neighborhoods to organize so they can stake out the watch area. 
  Instead, the sign maker seems to get the wording wrong over and over
  and so there just are no signs to be had. 

  Please advise.

  Kind regards,

  Chuck Clifton
  President, Long Meadow Neighborhood Association

Mike Woodard
Email: mike at
Web site:
Office: 919.668.0817; Mobile: 919.599.5143
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