INC NEWS - DJ Piddipat's Worldwide Dance Party

patricia A murray durhamskywriter at
Thu Apr 3 22:30:32 EDT 2008


DJ Piddipat will be hosting a special one-hour Worldwide Dance Party at CCB Plaza this Sunday (April 6) at 3pm as part of the Durham Art Walk. Come dance and unwind. Also, while you're there, pick up information on how your neighborhood organization can raise funds with your own Worldwide Dance Party. You can get a deejay (me!), a fabulous selection of dance music from around the world, and party lights for two hours--for only $50! *  ... And if there's enough lead time, your fundraiser will also be listed in the "Let's go!" section of the Durham Skywriter, "Durham’s community paper."

If you can't make it downtown this Sunday, feel free to contact me for more information. 

patricia A murray
"DJ Piddipat"

djpiddipat at

*  This $50 offer is only good for nonprofit neighborhood association fundraisers.
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