INC NEWS - Fw: Durham's canopy/volunteers needed (Modified by Cavett French)

Mike - Hotmail mwshiflett at
Wed Aug 27 15:24:34 EDT 2008

Forwarded upon request.

Subject: Durham's canopy/volunteers needed (Modified by Cavett French)

 Hey:  Do your neighborhoods know about this?  FYI in case not.  Cavett

 Alex Johnson, our urban forestry manager, has received a grant to  measure 
Durham's street tree canopy.  Volunteers are an important part
 of this process.  Training will be 1/2 day in late September or early 
October and then small groups of volunteers will be assigned street
 segments to measure.  Depending on the number of volunteers, the 
commitment will be from about 12 to 24 hours total.  To find out more
 about the state of our street trees and learn more about their  importance, 
join the Sierra Club's hike described below:

 August 31st (Sun) 2pm easy Urban "Nature Hike  "DURHAM'S AILING STREET 
TREES--An Urban "Nature Hike"Many of Durham's urban neighborhoods are shaded 
by large street trees planted more than 70 years ago. Now many are dying of 
old age and pollution stress. Other trees have been massively
pruned for power lines or even removed. How can we replace our urban 
trees--to beautify our neighborhoods, to save energy and to sequester
 greenhouse gases? This 2 mile urban hike is sponsored by the  Headwaters 
Chapter of the Sierra Club. Sunday, August 31, 2-3:30 pm. Meet at
 corner of Markham and Sedgefield St., north edge of Duke's East Campus. For 
information, Bob Healy (healy at at

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