INC NEWS - Fw: Kids Can Vote Too! Help Spread the Word! Volunteer!

American LAbor .org mshiflett at
Fri Oct 17 12:01:56 EDT 2008

Please help us spread the word that kids can vote to on Election Day!  Parents can bring their children to polls on election day even if they themselves have voted early.  (And many of them will have - over people 1000 had already in Durham)

Kids Voting flyers are all around town - grocery stores (Whole Foods), places of worship, schools.  Anywhere kids and parents are likely to see them.

Many of our school classroom teachers are passing out "Take me to vote on Nov. 4th! stickers as reminders to parents and guardians that children can have a voice too!

Let's work together in building a better tomorrow by encouraging our youth to participate.   Their voices are our future speaking to us today!


If you're interested in being a Precinct Volunteer Captain, we're having training sessions Sat. 10/18 at 9:30 am and Mon. 10/20 and 10/27 at 6:30 pm at Durham Cooperative Extension.  Please let me know (email address above) which one you plan to attend or contact:


Carolyn Kreuger

Kids Voting Durham

Durham Cooperative Extension

721 Foster St.

Durham, NC 27701

919/560-7321 (office)

919/423-9227 (mobile)

carolyn at

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