[Durham INC] Durham considering 'Development Agreements': Why is this a b...

Melissa Rooney mmr121570 at yahoo.com
Fri Mar 11 14:53:13 EST 2011

I took the sender's name off bc i got the mssg fm another list...will ask 
permission to include senders name and getback 2 u.


From: "TheOcean1 at aol.com" <TheOcean1 at aol.com>
To: mmr121570 at yahoo.com; 
Sent: Fri, March 11, 2011 2:48:06 PM
Subject: Re: [Durham INC] Durham considering 'Development Agreements': Why is 
this a b...

A growing pet peeve of mine is folks who post without signing their  name.
Melissa always signs her emails, but who sent the original?
Bill  Anderson
In a message dated 3/11/2011 12:33:06 P.M. Eastern Standard Time,  
mmr121570 at yahoo.com writes:

>Please consider the information below, which I just received today. And    
>please consider contacting your local gov't officials (city council and board    
>of county commissioners) about this important issue...before it's too late    
>(once again). It'd be good to close this barn door BEFORE the horse gets away,    
>for a change...
>I hope the INC and other local citizen organizations will consider    passing 
>resolutions to the CC and BOCC regarding this issue as soon as    possible.
>Melissa (Rooney)
>----- Forwarded Message ----
>To: durhamzones at googlegroups.com
>Sent: Thu, March 10, 2011 10:03:40    PM
>Subject: [DZP] Development    Agreements
>It has come to my    attention that Durham is considering allowing development 
>agreements.     Why are these bad?  These agreements are potentially a  loophole 
>to    get out of the Falls and Jordan Lake rules.  The developers would be    
>allowed to use existing regulations at the time of the agreement…not newly    
>passed ordinances.  
>State law seems    like it is in contradiction, because it allows the 
>development    agreements.  The whole point of the agreement is to lock in the 
>current    rules.  It doesn’t allow for any adjustments for future changes even 
>if    they know it is coming.  Municipalities would be enthusiastic about    
>getting more development to increase tax base, unless it is their own water    
>supply watershed.  
>The discussion on    development agreements can be found here.  
>http://www.ci.durham.nc.us/departments/planning/pdf/jccpc_010511.pdf     Scroll 
>down to page 24
>A recent    K&L Gates newsletter encourages development agreements.  We wonder    
>how much of a hand they had in this.  It was written by Bill Brian,    Patrick 
>Byker, and Craigie Sanders. 
>As a side note:  Durham is basing the    allowance of development agreements on 
>these “Additional Materials”.  Who    provided these “Additional Materials”?
>Another interesting    side note regarding these samples of development 
>1.    Catawba    County-Crescent Resources went bankrupt.  
>Who    knew that Duke Energy did developments?  
>This    was one of them.  It was right on the lake.  
>2.    Polk    County-Bright’s Creek Holdings decided to change the terms of 
>their agreement    after it was rezoned.  What is the point of even doing 
>agreements if you    can just change them?
>3.     Henderson    County-Seven Falls LLC  Bankrupt, violated environmental 
>regs, with a    “class action that claims a bank and developer defrauded buyers 
>who invested    more than $50 million…”.     
>This is what Durham    is considering basing their development agreements on?
>Durham    INC Mailing    List
>list at durham-inc.org

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