[Durham INC] Early voting totals so far

Pat Carstensen pats1717 at hotmail.com
Sun Apr 22 18:29:01 EDT 2018

So far only  1800 folks have votes (so the folks at the polls will be very happy to see you!).

There is a new nifty cool tool to find the closest polling place to you, along with directions for getting there:   http://durhamnc.maps.arcgis.com/apps/webappviewer/index.html?id=7c92bf5989a549b5b5372cec6c301404

I know that if you are Republican in School Board District 2, you have only one race to vote in (and it is a choice between write-in and a name).  In the other three School Board races, there are at least 2 people running, and who is on the School Board will affect one of the more important areas in our county.  If you are unaffiliated or registered as a Democrat, you also may vote in the DA and Sheriff races (and based on the number of signs around the county, some people think the choice about how our justice system will work is very important).  Finally because of re-districting, most of the county in in US House 1, where each party has only one person running (so we will vote in November, but for now the race is not on the ballot).  If you live in the southern-most precincts in the county, you are now in US House 4, where there is a Democratic primary.

As in the past, you can update your registration or get registered at One Stop.

You do not need an ID unless you are registering.

Regards, pat
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