[Durham INC] Identify the source.

Debra Hawkins dhawkins913311 at gmail.com
Tue Mar 24 19:19:35 EDT 2020

Dear Mike and others, if you read the post carefully, you'll see that it's
written by an epidemiologist and actually, it's mostly common-sense
precaution not to break the social distancing protocol and why not in
layman's terms. Not everything that starts with such a phrase is either
suspect, incorrect or needs reference material vetting, including local
medical neighbor's posts, one of which I also circulated. In addition, we
have a rule on the NPNA list serve that if you have any issue with a
poster/post, you contact the admin not approach the list serve community (or
poster) directly, as this has a chilling effect on more introverted people
feeling comfortable about posting vital messages or simply participating in


In other words, your response is in violation of NPNA list serv guidelines,
that the board worked very hard on a few years ago. Ideally that reminder
should be shared by the list moderator. Encouragement for you to engage with
that person. They can make the appropriate determination, as can those for
other lists. If they do deem the current post inappropriate I will be more
than happy to retract it immediately with an apology. 

At least for NPNA a blanket proviso for posts isn't or shouldn't be adopted,
for the reasons its guidelines have stated. As a supporter of that policy I
do encourage other lists to consider that approach, but that is up to those
powers that be and their subscribers. 


Thank you everyone! Continuing well wishes.


D in NGP


From: michael shiflett [mailto:mwshiflett at hotmail.com] 
Sent: Tuesday, March 24, 2020 6:52 PM
To: Debra Hawkins <dhawkins913311 at gmail.com>; npna at groups.io; 'Colonial
Village List serve' <ColonialVillage_nhw at yahoogroups.com>;
walltown at yahoogroups.com; walltown-neighbors at googlegroups.com;
dukepark at yahoogroups.com; duke-homestead at yahoogroups.com;
THNA at yahoogroups.com; Trinitypark at yahoogroups.com; wmb at yahoogroups.com;
stadium-heights at googlegroups.com; oldnorthdurham at yahoogroups.com;
owdna at googlegroups.comj; abcddurham at yahoogroups.com;
inc-list at lists.deltaforce.net
Cc: clarioncontent at gmail.com
Subject: Identify the source. 





I just read a post from the WHHN listserve that questioned politically
positioned emails on neighborhood listserves and a correction for
information that the poster needed to correct.  That shows maturity.


But what do you feel about 'information' that have the phrase ".... I heard
it from a friend who heard it from a friend" type posts?


Doesn't that sort of post create even more fear and anxiety that is
unnecessary in todays environment.


This last post going out to over a dozen listserves goes to the edge of this
type of 'information'.


If neighborhood posts allow such posts in their guidelines, then so let it
be.  Otherwise who controls the news you hear in times like these.


The best source of information should come from who directly have knowledge
and experience.   Those of us in the community have the ability to weigh
that information based on the source.  But let them be the posters!


Let's make sure we have the source for what we post BEFORE posting it and
let those who stand behind what they say be willing to be respectfully


Until then,  I personally quickly delete posts that have  ".....I got it
from a friend who heard it from a friend/brother/ coworker/etc.......who is
a very knowledgeable/respected/governmental/good person......"    but YOU
gotta believe me for that reason.


Doing otherwise, in my opinion, is a waste of space and time.


Mike Shiflett




From: INC-list <inc-list-bounces at lists.deltaforce.net
<mailto:inc-list-bounces at lists.deltaforce.net> > on behalf of Debra Hawkins
<dhawkins913311 at gmail.com <mailto:dhawkins913311 at gmail.com> >
Sent: Tuesday, March 24, 2020 5:09 PM
To: npna at groups.io <mailto:npna at groups.io>  <npna at groups.io
<mailto:npna at groups.io> >; 'Colonial Village List serve'
<ColonialVillage_nhw at yahoogroups.com
<mailto:ColonialVillage_nhw at yahoogroups.com> >; walltown at yahoogroups.com
<mailto:walltown at yahoogroups.com>  <walltown at yahoogroups.com
<mailto:walltown at yahoogroups.com> >; walltown-neighbors at googlegroups.com
<mailto:walltown-neighbors at googlegroups.com>
<walltown-neighbors at googlegroups.com
<mailto:walltown-neighbors at googlegroups.com> >; dukepark at yahoogroups.com
<mailto:dukepark at yahoogroups.com>  <dukepark at yahoogroups.com
<mailto:dukepark at yahoogroups.com> >; duke-homestead at yahoogroups.com
<mailto:duke-homestead at yahoogroups.com>  <duke-homestead at yahoogroups.com
<mailto:duke-homestead at yahoogroups.com> >; THNA at yahoogroups.com
<mailto:THNA at yahoogroups.com>  <THNA at yahoogroups.com
<mailto:THNA at yahoogroups.com> >; Trinitypark at yahoogroups.com
<mailto:Trinitypark at yahoogroups.com>  <Trinitypark at yahoogroups.com
<mailto:Trinitypark at yahoogroups.com> >; wmb at yahoogroups.com
<mailto:wmb at yahoogroups.com>  <wmb at yahoogroups.com
<mailto:wmb at yahoogroups.com> >; stadium-heights at googlegroups.com
<mailto:stadium-heights at googlegroups.com>  <stadium-heights at googlegroups.com
<mailto:stadium-heights at googlegroups.com> >; oldnorthdurham at yahoogroups.com
<mailto:oldnorthdurham at yahoogroups.com>  <oldnorthdurham at yahoogroups.com
<mailto:oldnorthdurham at yahoogroups.com> >; owdna at googlegroups.com
<mailto:owdna at googlegroups.com>  <owdna at googlegroups.com
<mailto:owdna at googlegroups.com> >; abcddurham at yahoogroups.com
<mailto:abcddurham at yahoogroups.com>  <abcddurham at yahoogroups.com
<mailto:abcddurham at yahoogroups.com> >; inc-list at lists.deltaforce.net
<mailto:inc-list at lists.deltaforce.net>  <inc-list at lists.deltaforce.net
<mailto:inc-list at lists.deltaforce.net> >
Cc: clarioncontent at gmail.com <mailto:clarioncontent at gmail.com>
<clarioncontent at gmail.com <mailto:clarioncontent at gmail.com> >
Subject: [Durham INC] Key Soc Distance Update (was:Thanks for keeping your


Longer but major take-away preventing avoidable deaths/additional waves of
epidemic to come. Important in light of today's developments and
return-to-work matters. Please read & take on board all those who will/can!
- D in NGP

 <https://nextdoor.com/news_feed/?post=141463297> Physical Distancing Advice
from an Epidemiologist


I received the following from a friend who got it from a friend of the
author - we are working on getting the author's name, but in the meantime,
it is well worth reading: this I think is a useful reminder that even small
"cheats" to social distancing can render the whole exercise pointless.
Written by an epidemiologist. "Hey everybody, as an infectious disease
epidemiologist (although a lowly one), at this point feel morally obligated
to provide some information on what we are seeing from a transmission
dynamic perspective and how they apply to the social distancing measures.
Like any good scientist I have noticed two things that are either not
articulated or not present in the "literature" of social media. I am also
tagging my much smarter infectious disease epidemiologist friends for peer
review of this post. Please correct me if I am wrong (seriously).
Specifically, I want to make two aspects of these measures very clear and
unambiguous. First, we are in the very infancy of this epidemic's
trajectory. That means even with these measures we will see cases and deaths
continue to rise globally, nationally, and in our own communities in the
coming weeks. Our hospitals will be overwhelmed, and people will die that
didn't have to. This may lead some people to think that the social
distancing measures are not working. They are. They may feel futile. They
aren't. You will feel discouraged. You should. This is normal in chaos. This
enemy that we are facing is very good at what it does; we are not failing.
We need everyone to hold the line as the epidemic inevitably gets worse.
This is not my opinion; this is the unforgiving math of epidemics for which
I and my colleagues have dedicated our lives to understanding with great
nuance, and this disease is no exception. We know what will happen; I want
to help the community brace for this impact. Stay strong and with solidarity
knowing with absolute certainty that what you are doing is saving lives,
even as people begin getting sick and dying around you. You may feel like
giving in. Don't. Second, although social distancing measures have been (at
least temporarily) well-received, there is an obvious-but-overlooked
phenomenon when considering groups (i.e. families) in transmission dynamics.
While social distancing decreases contact with members of society, it of
course increases your contacts with group (i.e. family) members. This small
and obvious fact has surprisingly profound implications on disease
transmission dynamics. Study after study demonstrates that even if there is
only a little bit of connection between groups (i.e. social dinners,
playdates/playgrounds, etc.), the epidemic trajectory isn't much different
than if there was no measure in place. The same underlying fundamentals of
disease transmission apply, and the result is that the community is left
with all of the social and economic disruption but very little public health
benefit. You should perceive your entire family to function as a single
individual unit; if one person puts themselves at risk, everyone in the unit
is at risk. Seemingly small social chains get large and complex with
alarming speed. If your son visits his girlfriend, and you later sneak over
for coffee with a neighbor, your neighbor is now connected to the infected
office worker that your son's girlfriend's mother shook hands with. This
sounds silly, it's not. This is not a joke or a hypothetical. We as
epidemiologists see it borne out in the data time and time again and no one
listens. Conversely, any break in that chain breaks disease transmission
along that chain. In contrast to hand-washing and other personal measures,
social distancing measures are not about individuals, they are about
societies working in unison. These measures also take a long time to see the
results. It is hard (even for me) to conceptualize how 'one quick little get
together' can undermine the entire framework of a public health
intervention, but it does. I promise you it does. I promise. I promise. I
promise. You can't cheat it. People are already itching to cheat on the
social distancing precautions just a "little"- a playdate, a haircut, or
picking up a needless item at the store, etc. From a transmission dynamics
standpoint, this very quickly recreates a highly connected social network
that undermines all of the work the community has done so far. Until we get
a viable vaccine this unprecedented outbreak will not be overcome in grand,
sweeping gesture, rather only by the collection of individual choices our
community makes in the coming months. This virus is unforgiving to unwise
choices. My goal in writing this is to prevent communities from getting
'sucker-punched' by what the epidemiological community knows will happen in
the coming weeks. It will be easy to be drawn to the idea that what we are
doing isn't working and become paralyzed by fear, or to 'cheat' a little bit
in the coming weeks. By knowing what to expect, and knowing the importance
of maintaining these measures, my hope is to encourage continued community
spirit, strategizing, and action to persevere in this time of uncertainty.

New <https://nextdoor.com/news_feed/?post=141463297> 22 hr ago . 27
neighborhoods in  <https://nextdoor.com/general/> General




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