Dick McDonald DMcdonald at SHURTAPE.com
Tue Mar 13 12:28:38 EDT 2007

Good day all,

I sincerely hope you are all planning a trip to Raleigh for a much
needed respite from the daily grind, a nice visit with Jim and Preston,
and to sit around a table with your piers in a friendly discussion of
issues of the day, including:

*         Legislative activity (or non-activity) relating to things
safety. Preston will enlighten us on the "climate change" in the
legislature following the recent election.

*         Safety Topics for the upcoming EHS School. Greg Lathan, the
safety dean, plans to bring us a list of his top twelve topics for
presentation at the school so we can assist the decision-makers by
ranking them in order of the priority of those that we would most like
to see on the syllabus.

*         A round-table discussion of incident reporting in general, and
near miss reporting in particular. Bring your best (and worst) practices
and questions with regard to this topic. Interestingly enough, there is
a "audio seminar" on this topic planned for the day after our meeting,
3/22, in case anyone is interested. The Link is at the bottom of this

*         The Apex fire and the potential fallout with regard to the
response posture and strategy of outside agencies in response to
incidents likely involving chemicals.

*         As always - round-table suggestions for topics for upcoming
meetings and a discussion of any best practices, issues or regulatory
activity at your facilities.


If you have any input for agenda items, please direct them my way. 


Thanks & Best Regards,

Dick McDonald 
Shurtape EHS 
Office: (828) 325 - 5228 
Fax: (828) 325 - 5387 

Incident Reporting: Do the Numbers Lie?
How to take the fear out of reporting workplace incidents
Thursday March 22, 2007
12:00 EST
Presented by Michael D. Topf


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