RW Pickle randy at
Sat Jan 22 14:25:04 EST 2005

Here are a couple of differences between the old list serve and the new
one that will help with your posting. I have used the same list server
setup for a while so I know these things. You may not. And if we all can
get on the same page around the same time, it'll be better for the entire
list. So as I see the problems occur (or you point them out to me), I'll
try to pass the educational note along.

1) Blind carbon copies or other implicit destinations are not allowed. You
must post your message by explicitly including the list address
(inc-list at in the To: or Cc: fields.

2) if you hit the reply button to respond to a post, the reply will go to
the person who sent the post and not to the list. This is fine if you are
addressing the need of the person who sent the post and do not care if the
entire list sees your reply. But in order for you to repl to a post and
for the list to see it, you must include the list address
(inc-list at in the To: or Cc: fields.

3) Because we have opened signup of the list server up to the public (you
had to attend a meeting to get on it before), the TOU require anyone
posting to use a signature. Something as simple as mine below will work.
It's just so we know who the poster is and what neighborhood (or business,
school, etc) they are from.

Randy Pickle
Forest Hills

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