INC NEWS - DOT has long obstructed the East End Connector (Herald-Sun letter)

Caleb Southern southernc at
Mon Apr 11 10:56:04 EDT 2005

You can support the East End Connector at:


DOT has long obstructed the East End Connector
Herald-Sun letter

I am deeply troubled and, frankly, frustrated by the Department of
Transportation's continued efforts to prevent the East End Connector from
being built. Although the EEC has been planned since 1959, the DOT has acted
contrary to the preference of local leaders and the citizens of Durham and
successfully postponed building this road, which we all know will improve
safety on neighborhood streets. For years, the DOT complained there wasn't
enough funding to build it. Yet, the DOT tried to keep the EEC off the list
of projects that would be funded by the Highway Trust Fund. They failed.
Since funding for the project now exists and there is no longer any excuse
to prevent building the EEC, the DOT again is resorting to its well-known
tactic of delay. Because of its past actions, the DOT has very little
credibility with the citizens of Durham. We have a long memory, and we know
there is no reason for the EEC to be delayed. Please stop stalling and let
the East End Connector be built. 

April 11, 2005 

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