INC NEWS - May 14th Strawberry Festival in Durham

RW Pickle randy at
Tue May 10 02:29:37 EDT 2005

The Central Park School for Children is hosting its 2nd annual Strawberry
Festival, a Berry Special Day for Children, a Spring celebration with fun
(and strawberries) for the whole family on May 14th, 11 - 4 in Old North
Durham Park (behind the School), at 724 Foster Street.  Please join us --
the shortcakes and chocolate dipped strawberries are delicious and there
will be lots of fun activities for kids of all ages.
See press release below for more details.

"After the wrapping of the May Pole at 11 AM, the stage will be the center
for live music from Greg Taylor, then Rebecca and the Hi-Tones, Kathleen
Hannan, Jaafar (middle eastern jazz) and the TROSA Musical Ensemble.

There will be a puppet theater and child-led demonstrations that invite
audience participation for bubble magic, bead jewelry and bubble painting.
Grownups will demonstrate then encourage participation for finger painting,
spin art and bug costume making.  All bug costume makers are invited to
march in the first ever bug parade (3PM).

Field games will include a jump rope demonstration, sack races, a home-made
water park, climbing wall, huge hula hoops and basketball “hoop dreams.”
Everyone can also have fun with the graffiti mural and the drum circles.
There will be face painting and the very popular strawberry fingernail

Of course the biggest attractions will be homemade strawberry shortcakes,
chocolate-dipped Strawberries (these were a huge hit last year) and
strawberry smoothies.  For sustenance without sugar, the TROSA Deli will
sell healthy American fare.

Admission is free.  Food and some activities require tickets (available at
the Festival).  All proceeds will benefit the School’s efforts to put
playground equipment in the Old North Durham Park.

For more information, contact Vicky Patton, 682-1200."

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