INC NEWS - Please hold support for the Bond until

Melvin Whitley tellmelvin at
Tue Jun 21 19:03:45 EDT 2005

    I believe the City of Durham need to pass a Bond this year. To wait would only make Durham many the problem worst and increase the cost of fixing them. Please hold support for the Bond until the Durham City Council has develop a results- based accountability process and ongoing Citizen oversight Committee to monitor the progress of funded projects and to advise staff of the ongoing needs. 

On May 4, 2005 The Citizen Capital Improvement Advisory Committee made the following Motions listed below. The Motions 1-2-3-4-5- passed 19 to 0.


The CCIP has reviewed a proposed 2005 Bond Issue for four months.  We commend city staff for their hard work and expertise, and offer the following to the Durham City Council:


  1.. We recommend that a bond package be guided by four over-arching principles:
    1.. Take care of Durham’s troubled infrastructure – streets, sidewalks, and deferred maintenance.
    2.. Be fiscally prudent when determining the total amount of the bond package.  General Obligation debt is the most cost-effective method of borrowing.
    3.. Provide for increased quality of life and increased citizen services.
    4.. Whatever capital projects are included, it is essential that there be adequate staff capacity to implement and operate funded projects in a reasonable and effective period of time.

  2.. Attached is a list of projects we recommend including in a bond package.  We urge you to consider it as our best effort to date knowing that we could spend many additional months refining it further.

  3.. We generally agree that as a community we must plan for routine and regular bond packages to reduce future costs and the backlog of needs and to provide for increased quality of life and increased citizen services.

  4.. We recognize that new debt costs money and we acknowledge and support the need to raise taxes accordingly in order to retire the debt.

  5.. In support of the City’s results-based accountability process, we recommend that City Council consider an ongoing Citizen Capital Improvement Advisory Committee to monitor the progress of funded projects and to advise staff of the ongoing needs.

Please Vote to ask the Durham City Council to put in place a results-based accountability process and Citizen Capital Improvement Advisory Committee to monitor the progress of Bond funded projects and to advise staff of the ongoing needs.

Your Servant
Rev. Melvin Whitley 
2614 Harvard Ave
Durham NC  27703
(919) 596-9691 - Home
(919) 308-2844 - Cell
tellmelvin at 
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