INC NEWS - your parks' grass

RW Pickle randy at
Thu Jun 23 04:02:58 EDT 2005

We were told by email today by :

"From: "Rodriguez, Guillermo" <Guillermo.Rodriguez at>
Sent: Wednesday, June 22, 2005 3:05 PM
Subject: RE: caring for the grass fields in Forest Hills

We know what it looks like. It is like this throughout our park
system. Tom Sternloff regularly inspects all parks mowed the day after.
Forest Hills is not unique and I don't feel this is a serious concern at
this time. We will continue to monitor all park mowing and take
appropriate action if necessary."

This is relative to the hay field after the Park was mowed. We have large
clumps of dead grass (some 8-10 inches high) from being mowed the last 2
times. Grass is a large part of our park surface. When looking at the
park, this is what you see. When the grass looks bad, the Park looks bad.
He says all the parks in the system look this bad. I can't believe it.

Tell me, does your grass that is mowed in your park look like a newly
mowed hay field from all of the dead grass left from mowing? If the whole
park system looks this bad as he states, we all need to get together and
get this fixed. Our Park looks the worst as I can remember it in 9 years.
It's the first time the mowing has been contracted out to a subcontractor.

Please let me know the condition of the grass in your park. Ours is
covered in disease from the fungus caused by the growing piles of dead
grass on top of dead grass. Brown patch disease is running wild!

Randy Pickle
27 Beverly Drive.

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