INC NEWS - Agenda for August 23 meeting
pat carstensen
pats1717 at
Mon Aug 15 18:55:37 EDT 2005
InterNeighborhood Council of Durham
Monthly meeting on Tuesday August 23, 2005
7-9pm in the Community Room
HERALD-SUN Building (2828 Pickett Road)
Refreshments are provided
Welcome and Introductions (10 min) Bill Anderson, President
Colonial Village Junior Neighborhood Association (10 min)
Discussion Items (50 min)
q 2005 Legislative Session
Report on what was and wasnt accomplished this year for Durham
neighborhoods may have some members of Durham delegation present
q UDO Resolution UDO Committee
Approve INC statement for hearing August 29 (see below)
q Clarifying Bond Oversight Cheryl Shiflett
What does oversight of bond funding mean (see below)
Updates (20 min)
q Minutes and Treasurers Report Pat / Randy
q Nominating Committee
q Yard Waste
q Neighborhood Hero Awards
q Other Updates or New Business
Announcements / Events (5 min)
q Next INC Delegate Meeting Sept 27
q UDO Hearing August 29
q Big Sweep October 1
q TTA / Sierra Club Urban Hike October 1
For additional information, contact Bill Anderson (688-4550 or
TheOcean1 at
To update information on your neighborhood, neighbors at or
"Only in the continuous encounter with other persons, does the person become
and remain a person.
The place of this encounter is the community"
Statement on UDO
INC has spent considerable time examining and discussing the UDO draft. In
general, we are enthusiastic about the UDO. A framework that acknowledges
that urban areas are not like the suburbs, tries to protect neighborhood
character, and formalizes processes and requirements is an immense step
ahead. We support passage of the UDO as quickly as possible to get its
benefits but there are a number of areas that need fixing first. The
details of our concerns are set forth in 45+ pages of comments. Some
specific areas of concern are:
1. We oppose shortening the notification interval from 14 days to 10 days.
2. We need to tighten up the regulation of driveways and front-yard parking.
3. The purposes and intents section of the ordinance needs to include
protecting neighborhoods and the investments citizens have made in their own
4. We need to make sure that no new destabilizing uses are introduced into
long-established neighborhoods by the UDO. We can improve both the
restrictions on destabilizing uses and the incentives for stabilizing uses
in neighborhoods.
5. We support the idea of Neighborhood Protection Overlays but have concerns
about getting the details filled in.
6. We need to put sufficient resources into training the Planning Department
and citizens to use the new ordinance, as well as planning to thoroughly
review the UDO in 12-18 months.
7. We are concerned about high fees for requesting zoning changes, since
these fees reinforce the idea that the processes belong to the developer.
8. (etc)
Resolution on Bond Funds
City of Durham staff followed a well-defined method for evaluating firms to
design and oversee construction of the Walltown Park Recreation Center and
made their recommendations based on points earned during the interview
process, and
City Council then selected a different firm, based on unknown criteria, and
The Walltown Park Recreation Center will take about 20% of the Parks and Rec
part of the 2005 Bond Referendum, and
INC has expressed support for a citizen oversight committee for bond
spending, but did not specify details in the oversight processes and scope,
INC has traditionally supported openness in government, use of well-defined
decision processes, and respect for the professional work of staff and the
efforts of citizen committees,
The InterNeighborhood Council of Durham resolves that language creating the
Citizen Oversight Committee for Bond Spending needs to be precise in what
the powers of the committee will be, what aspects of bond spending they will
oversee, and what the consequences will be when the committee is displeased.
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