INC NEWS - PA's Affordable Housing Program with Panel risafoster at
Thu Jan 12 13:03:17 EST 2006

Durham People's Alliance
Winter Meeting
Please consider attending the Durham People's Alliance Winter Membership meeting on Affordable Housing in Durham.  (Open to the public, please encourage all neighborhoods to attend.)   This meeting will be a program and panel format about the future of affordable housing in Durham. 
I. The Affordable Housing Program & Panel 
What questions will be answered?
What can be done with all the boarded up houses and how come people who are homeless can't live in them? 
What is the difference between The City of Durham?s Dept of Housing, Durham Housing Authority and Durham Affordable Housing Coalition? 
What type of assistance is available help residents who want to improve the safety of their own neighborhoods? 
Due to the nature of this program, there will be sufficient time to ask your questions too!  
Who will be included in the panel and what do they do?
The Durham Affordable Housing Coalition (DAHC) is dedicated to promoting safe, fair and affordable housing in Durham, North Carolina. 
The City of Durham's Department of Housing and Community Development (DHCD) is responsible for implementing programs to revitalize and preserve sustainable, viable neighborhoods.  
The Durham Housing Authority is to provide high quality housing for Durham's low and moderate income citizens.
What: The Durham People's Alliance Winter Membership Meeting
When: Wednesday, January 18, 2006 at 7:00 pm
Where: First Presbyterian Church 305 E. Main St. Durham
(Across from the downtown library on Roxboro)
Park in the parking lot, the glass doors are right next to the lot.
Call 919-682-7777 for more info, directions or to car pool.
About Durham People's Alliance
Durham People?s Alliance is a grassroots organization of Durham citizen/volunteers that works to improve life in our community.  Since their founding in 1975, the People's Alliance has grown to be one of the most effective groups in the state working on progressive issues.
How they do their work:
sponsoring public forums to get information about community issues,
researching and publishing items, such as the Progressive Directory or the Toolkit for serving on community boards,
with the use of questionnaires and interviews they make recommendations at election time for the candidates who they feel will best serve our community.  They don?t stop after elections but believe in citizen action 365 days a year.  
taking positions at public hearings,
building coalitions with other grassroots organizations through planning joint campaigns,
co-sponsoring conferences with others to build trust and positive working relationships with other community groups,
providing social events for members to share ideas and some laughs.
PA is organized to encourage participation and democratic decision-making.  All major issue and policy decisions, as well as their electoral recommendations, are made by the full membership at meetings which are announced ahead of time in their monthly newsletter.  
They have a Coordinating Committee of 12 people who are elected by the membership and provide leadership and make decisions between meetings.  They also have issue committees which are open to anyone who wants to work on an issue.  Their part-time office activist helps maintain membership records and coordinates volunteers.  
There are many ways you can become involved--from a small to a large commitment.
Pretty Cool Huh?
Would you be willing to get involved?
(919) 682-7777
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