INC NEWS - Love Kids? Love Historic Houses? Concerned about your health or the health in the environment around you?

Carrie Mowry carrie at
Fri Feb 10 16:02:37 EST 2006

If you answer yes to any of the above questions, you may be interested in
participating in Lead-Safe Historic Home Repair & Healthy Home Seminars with
Dennis Livingston.  Through these seminars you will learn how to maintain
older and historic homes to prevent lead-poisoning, asthma, and other health
problems.  Please consider attending one of the following sessions. (word
version attached)


Durham Lead-Safe Historic Home Repair Trainings


The trainer, Dennis Livingston, a union carpenter since 1972, applies his
hands-on knowledge of building and contracting to trainings.  He wrote the
books on lead-safety and historic preservation for the EPA, HUD, NIBS, and
National Parks Service.

I am registering for:

___ Dinner Meeting with Dennis Livingston Overview of Healthy Homes ideas
and practices ($5 for dinner.  Pay at the door.)

Tuesday, February 21, 6:00-7:30 pm City Housing & Com. Dev. Dept., 410 E
Lakewood Ave


___ 1-1/2 day Lead-Safe Home Repair Training Construction training for
contractors, trades people, property managers, maintenance staff,
homeowners, historic preservationists, etc.  HUD & the City require the
1-day training to repair and maintain federal-funded housing, including
Section 8.  The 1/2-day training is hands-on construction techniques.  The
full 1-1/2 day training is required for contractors to bid on 10 home
repairs. ($30 for lunch & books.  Limit 30 people.) 

Wednesday, February 22, 9:00 am-4:00 pm, Hayti Heritage Center, 804 Old
Fayetteville St., 27701 (corner of Lakewood Ave.) 

AND (pick one): ___ Thursday, February 23, 9:00 am, OR  ___ Thursday,
February 23, 12:00 noon 1411 Lincoln St. (2 blocks behind Lincoln Community
Health Center) 


___ 1/2-day Healthy Homes Training  Condensed training for housing groups,
health officials, property managers, & homeowners to learn how to maintain
older homes to prevent lead-poisoning, asthma, and other health
problems.($30 for books.  Limit 30 people.)  

Friday, February 24, 9:00 am-12:00 noon 

UDI Center, 800 N. Mangum St., 27701 (Enter from parking lot on Corporation


___ Dinner Meeting for Grant Applicants  Owners of homes built before 1956
with low-income residents & children under 6 can apply for City grants to
repair & paint homes.  

(Free to applicants.  Limit 20 people.) 

Wednesday, February 23, 5:30-8:00 pm 

1411 Lincoln St. (behind Lincoln Community Health Center)





Mailing Address______________________________________________________


Phone_______________________________  Fax___________________________





___Enclosed is $30 registration (payable to Durham Affordable Housing

Register before February 15, or call to see if space available.   


"Maintaining a Lead Safe Home-A Do-It-Yourself Manual for Homeowners,
Property Managers & Contractors" by Dennis Livingston available to pick up &
read before the training.


Register & pick up your book, Monday-Friday, 9:00am-5:00pm with:

Lorisa Seibel, Durham Affordable Housing Coalition
331 W. Main St., #408, Durham, NC 27701
(919) 683-1185 ext. 25, (fax) 688-0082   Lorisa at

Co-sponsors: Durham Affordable Housing Coalition, Durham City Housing &
Community Development Dept., Durham County Health Dept., Historic
Preservation Society of Durham, NC Children's Environmental Health Branch,
and NCCU Partnership Effort for the Advancement of Children's Health


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