INC NEWS - So why the different standard here?

RW Pickle randy at
Wed Feb 22 14:52:07 EST 2006

It didn't work out because the savings that were mentioned, could not be
realized. It was just that simple. But they're looking at a differnt
thought process now. So maybe something work out down the road. Alot of
what might happen will depend on inflation and what the Feds do. In
general, business is always restructuring debt to save and I think cities
should be no different. But then again, most cities are not run like
businesses as they always have a base to work from. In business, only the
strong (and profitable) survive. The bottom line in cities only moves up
to cover expenses and there is no incentive to think like businesses do.
If that were the case, I'm sure things would be alot different. I believe
cities save as much as they can (or at least we should hope), like in the
purchasing of fleet. But there are services that will cease to exist (by
cities) if fleet is not replaced. So it becomes necessary to continue to
feed the animal that services us the citizenry. Otherwise, private
enterprize would step in and the cost of the service would then be
something at the will of the one who provides the service. This whole
train of thought just leads to a down hill spiral of less service, more
money, and the community will eventually be the one that will suffer.


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