INC NEWS - Beware of Used Homes

Ken Gasch ken.gasch at
Thu Mar 2 14:31:49 EST 2006

I am offended by an ad that is running on the radio.  Two women are discussing one woman's recent experience with her purchase of a "used home".  The woman had pulled back the carpet to reveal a rotting sub-floor and base boards.  The ad suggests that consumers buy only new home to keep from inheriting someone else's "hidden" problems.  Then suggests that consumers go to the following web site:

I appreciate the need for a community to build new homes in order to grow.  Home builders deserve to profit from selling new homes.  

However, what is the impact of this negative portrayal of "used" homes, as various groups work to restore our inner city neighborhoods?  Government agencies, non-profits and community groups rely on the ability to attract private investment to facilitate revitalization efforts.  

Both old and new homes can represent an excellent value.  In addition, people can and do have problems with new houses. 

I do not appreciate the implication that "used" homes are not worth buying.  I feel older houses can present a wonderful opportunity and investment.  We will continue to see people moving into Durham, so there is simply no need to hit below the waist in order to complete for buyers.  That organization should hire a new ad agency!

Ken Gasch
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