INC NEWS - Duke Lacrosse Rape Claim Spurs Outrage (USA Today, ABC News, Baltimore Sun, ESPN, etc)

John Schelp bwatu at
Mon Mar 27 09:21:38 EST 2006

Duke Lacrosse Rape Claim Spurs Outrage
Police Have Taken DNA From 46 Players
(ABC News, 26 March 2006)

Following accusations that several Duke University
lacrosse team members raped a dancer, a group of
concerned Durham, N.C., residents staged a "wake-up
call" today against sexual assault.

Standing in front of the house where the alleged
assault occurred, the group beat and banged on pots
and pans early this morning to protest the attack.

Last week, DNA samples were taken from 46 members of
thelacrosse team. Investigators are trying to identify
at least three men suspected of raping and beating the
woman, who was hired to dance at a party.

"We're not saying that all 46 were involved," Durham
Police Cpl. David Addison said recently. "But we do
know that some of the players inside that house on
that evening knew what transpired and we need them to
come forward."

So far, no charges have been filed against any of the
players. The team, which is currently ranked No. 2 and
has been considered a favorite to win this year's
national championship, forfeited two games -- one
yesterday and one that would have been played on this
coming Tuesday -- because of the allegations.

'Totally Deplorable'

"If what is alleged is in fact true, it's totally
deplorable," Duke spokesman John Burness told ABC
station WTVD-TV in Duhram this past week. "That is not
what this institution stands for nor do we believe
it's what our students stand for."

According to a search warrant, the victim and another
woman went to a university-owned house on March 13,
where three members of the team live. When the men
became aggressive, the women left but another player
apologized and convinced them to return.

The women returned to the house, but were separated.
The victim alleges she was forced into a bathroom and
assaulted. The men also allegedly yelled racial slurs
at the women.

The victim, who is black, later contacted police from
a grocery store and reported the attack.

"That brutal assault, that brutal rape that occurred
within that house, cannot be explained by anyone,"
Addison said.

Duke Provost Peter Lang seemed unwilling to speculate
on the allegations.

"Do I know that those crimes happened in a way that
would allow me to take a position on that? No," he
said. "That's why we have the police. That's why the
police have the means to undertake steps to
investigate the crime that Duke could never have."


Games called off amid Duke lacrosse sex scandal
(USA Today, 27 March 2006)

Even if criminal charges are not filed against members
of the Duke men's lacrosse team after an investigation
into rape and assault allegations at a team party, "it
is already clear that many students acted in a manner
inappropriate to a Duke team member," university
President Richard H. Brodhead said in a statement
released Sunday. 

A police investigation is continuing into the
allegations from a team party the night of March 13
near campus. No charges have been filed, and athletics
director Joe Alleva said in a statement during the
weekend the players "deny the criminal allegations."
Alleva, however, canceled games Saturday against
Georgetown and Tuesday against Mount St. Mary's while
the investigation continues.

A judge's order required 46 of the 47 players on the
Duke roster to submit DNA samples, athletics
department spokesman Art Chase confirmed Sunday. The
team complied with the order last week.

The complaint filed by the alleged victim described
her assailants as Caucasian, so freshman goalie Devon
Sherwood, the team's lone African-American player, was
not required to report for testing. It is not clear
how soon test results will be available.

The Raleigh News & Observer quoted Durham defense
attorneys as saying such a large DNA search seemed
unusual. John Fitzpatrick said searches by the police
should be based on a suspicion that is directed toward
an individual, not just a class of people. "On its
face, without learning more, it could be real
problematic when you have some sweeping, unscrutinized
searches," Fitzpatrick said. 

According to Alleva's statement, "Several players who
were present acknowledge ... they did hire private
party dancers and that underage drinking occurred. The
judgment of the team members to host and participate
in this event is inconsistent with the values of Duke
Athletics and Duke University and is unacceptable."


Amid rape allegations, Duke forfeits 2 games
3 men suspected in beating, rape of dancer at party
(Baltimore Sun, 26 March 2006)

The second-ranked Duke men's lacrosse team forfeited
yesterday's game against Georgetown and Tuesday's
scheduled game with Mount St. Mary's in the wake of
rape allegations against several players. 

"I am dismayed by the party on March 13 held by
members of the men's lacrosse team at an off-campus
residence," athletic director Joe Alleva said. "The
Durham [N.C.] police's investigation of the matter
continues, and we await its results." 

Police have taken DNA samples from 46 members of the
team, trying to find at least three men suspected of
the rape and beating of a woman hired to dance at a

A search warrant said the woman, who nearly was
strangled, was hired to dance March 13 at a
university-owned house where three members of the team

Duke spokesman John Burness said team members reported
to police Thursday to provide DNA samples and be

Police Sgt. Mark Gottlieb said alcohol was involved in
the incident that began near midnight and continued
into early hours of the next day. 

The search warrant said two women went to the house to
dance and the men became aggressive and the women left
but were asked to return by a player who apologized.
When they went back to the house, they were separated
and the victim was forced into a bathroom and
assaulted by three men. The victim called police from
a grocery store. 

One of the dancers said she thought she would be
dancing for five men at a bachelor party, but she and
another woman were surrounded by dozens. Men shouted
racial slurs at the women, both black, she told The
News & Observer of Raleigh on Friday. 

"We started to cry," she said. "We were so scared." 

No arrests had been made. 

"The players deny the criminal allegations," Alleva
said. "We understand that to date, no one has been
charged with any crime. We continue to monitor the
situation and will respond accordingly. 

"Several players who were present acknowledge,
however, that they did hire private party dancers and
that underage drinking occurred. The judgment of the
team members to host and participate in this event is
inconsistent with the values of Duke athletics and
Duke University and is unacceptable. Accordingly I
have notified Coach [Mike] Pressler that I have
decided that we will forfeit [yesterday's] game and
next Tuesday's game. I have told President [Richard]
Brodhead of my decision and he fully supports it." 


Conduct at off-campus party leads to forfeits
(ESPN, 25 March 2006)

Duke's men's lacrosse team forfeited Saturday's game
against Georgetown and also will forfeit Tuesday's
game against Mount St. Mary's because of players'
conduct at a party earlier this month, athletic
director Joe Alleva announced Saturday.

"I am dismayed by the party on March 13 held by
members of the men's lacrosse team at an off-campus
residence," Alleva said in a statement posted on the
Duke athletic department Web site. "The Durham
Police's investigation of the matter continues and we
await its results."

Alleva said the players deny criminal allegations made
against them.

"We understand that to date, no one has been charged
with any crime," he said. "We continue to monitor the
situation and will respond accordingly to further
developments as the facts become known. 

"Several players who were present acknowledge,
however, that they did hire private party dancers and
that underage drinking occurred. The judgment of the
team members to host and participate in this event is
inconsistent with the values of Duke Athletics and
Duke University and is unacceptable."

After the forfeits, Duke's record will be 6-4.

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