INC NEWS - Durham's Farmer's Market opens Saturdays

Laura Drey lkdrey2 at
Mon Mar 27 10:46:40 EST 2006

------ Forwarded Message
From: Sarah Howe <sarah at>
Reply-To: sarah at
Date: Mon, 27 Mar 2006 09:59:03 -0500 (EST)

The Durham Farmers' Market operates every Saturday from 8:00 to noon from
the first Saturday of April through the Saturday before Thanksgiving on
Morris Street one block south of the Old DAP in the Measurement, Inc parking

Throughout the season we will have musicians, storytellers and more to
entertain the children. We'll have regular visits from local restaurant
chefs creating delectable nibbles from our farmers' produce. We'll also have
the Master Gardeners manning a table to answer all your gardening questions
and help you make your garden a success. And, perhaps most exciting of all,
we will watch the progress week by week of the new Pavilion rising in Durham
Central Park just down the hill from our market. 
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