INC NEWS - solid waste article in todays paper

Richard Mullinax rcmj at
Sat Apr 15 07:47:59 EDT 2006

I think Solid Waste did an outstanding job connecting with citizens 
concerns to set the new proposal. They were hard set against 
recommending full funding in the general budget at the beginning stage 
of planning, yet consistent community calls for no regressive taxation 
through fees produced a plan to include all funding in the general 
budget. The Solid Waste Department just wanted Council to make the call 
on funding, but they have seen that universally that fees per household 
are hurting the smaller lot, poorer sections of our inner City.

Early on I had reservations about the vacuum collection due to storm 
drains clogging. After conversations during the planning process I have 
changed my opinion on its being a best choice. No more will citizens 
have to choose paper or plastic, and the rest of us suffer from the 
choice of plastic heaps sitting indefinitely because they will not be 
collected in that form. This is best for keeping our neighborhoods 
looking blight free. Removing litter from our streets will have to 
continue be a top priority so it does not end up in our mulch and 
compost. I am thankful for Keep Durham Beautiful's growing strength in 
this endeavor. Solid Waste seems to have a great plan going here.

Much Thanks to the staff for taking citicen concerns and producing a 
document City Council should be able to jump right behind,
Richard Mullinax

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