INC NEWS - can we afford to take the risks given the history and uncertain future with this new Solid Waste Plan?

Anne Guyton annemguyton at
Tue Apr 18 12:46:52 EDT 2006

  You make some good points.  
  Piece of history on the trash hauling which I thought went by rail and  not truck, anyway the city resorted to the transfer station under city  manager Lamont Ewell because they were unsuccessful after years and  years of trying to find a site within the county that was environmental  sound and did not meet with overwhelming public disapproval.  I  don't think its realistic to expect that could be accomplished now  either so I believe we're stuck with the transfer station.  
  Several times in the past the sanitation employees have defeated plans  to reduce crew size because they felt it was unsafe to have less men on  each crew.  Past efforts were from the Department and then went to  the Council for approval.  On this issue I think it needs to be  done the opposite way to ensure success, from the top down with the  Council setting the overall policy first and then backing the  departments plans fully.  

Mike - Hotmail <mwshiflett at> wrote:  Thanks Anne,

You're correct.  We were not asked to pay for the green carts,  my error.

I guess my point is that we've (the residents of Durham) have been promised 
time after time with each new 'program' implemented over the past 15-20 
years that Solid Waste would become more efficient and provide a better 

What we've seen is factually the opposite.

How much are we spending on the current system?   Shouldn't the new Director 
be guiding the department rather than following it?

How much are we spending on personnel?  on overtime? on broken down 

What other options are out there?   What are other cities our size doing?

These are very essential questions that needed to be answered BEFORE this 
new 'plan' goes before City Council.

At this point in time,  we're facing catastrophe if/when Virginia decides 
that they no longer will accept our trash.

An even worse scenario would be that they hold us hostage to increase the 
fees to continue to do so.

Amongst all this,  just how expensive do you think it is to transport ton 
after ton of our trash up 85 in semi's given the current price of fuel?

Do you think these expenses or scenarios are going to change to OUR benefit 
anytime soon?

A lot of people are questioning the leadership of Solid Waste who are coming 
up with this new plan.

At risk is the future cost for the city providing this basic service (read 
property tax increase) when there are so many other needs that are pressing 
us right now (emergency services/code enforcement/deteriorating 
infrastructure, etc).

Of all times,  this should be the moment we are asking these questions 
before moving forward with spending millions more and adding personnel!


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