INC NEWS - Min House Code Presentation

Ken Gasch ken.gasch at
Tue Apr 18 21:42:13 EDT 2006


This presentation looks great to me.  I especially appreciate the new procedures aimed at addressing blighted commercial properties.


I have one question, though.  What is our plan to address fraudulent reporting of minimum housing code violations?  


It has come to my attention that a number of folks in Durham are abusing our current system.

Some folks simply decide that they no longer wish to pay rent.  In order to avoid eviction, these folks will make fraudulent reports of minimum housing code violations.  Prior to the inspection, they may do any number of malicious things to the property to ensure that the landlord fails the inspection.  If a landlord fails an inspection prior to an eviction hearing, the tenant may be allowed to extend his or her free stay.  


Fraudulent reports are costly to the honest tenants, landlords and the tax payer.  These reports also waste the valuable time of inspectors who could be addressing real code violations.  In addition, this practice has the effect of lowering the overall quality of housing stock in our lovely city.


The music industry has made a tremendous impact on the volume of songs illegally pirated by simply prosecuting a handful of folks.  These cases were made very public by design.


Ken Gasch 


----- Original Message ----- 
  From: Merritt, Toya 
  To: pac2 at 
  Sent: Tuesday, April 18, 2006 3:52 PM
  Subject: [pac2] Presentation - Minimum Housing Code Review and Recommendations


  Attached is the information presented by Housing staff.  It details recommendations that the code enforcement staff would like to see implemented (adaptations to the existing ordinances, policies, etc).  

  Toya Merritt

  Community Relations Coordinator -District 2

  City of Durham Department of Housing and Community Development

  (919) 560-4570 ext. 223 office

  (919) 730-6350 cell

  (919) 560-4090 fax

  Toya.merritt at

  ". . . . I am convinced that life is 10 percent what happens to me and 90 percent how I react to it." - Unknown


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