INC NEWS - [TrinityPark] RE: agenda and proposed resolutions for April 25...

Newman Aguiar newman at
Sat Apr 22 22:53:51 EDT 2006



"Is that really you? I've never heard you sound so defeatist."


Why do my comments sound defeatist to you?  To me, I just don't see this as
an important enough reason to waste costly enforcement resources, compared
to more serious crime.  We've worked extremely hard as a community in the
past few years to increases the resources for the police department and we
are working very hard to ensure that our courts help us with the serious
crimes.  Do you really think this is so important that we need to over
burden an already seriously over burdened system with this wasteful endeavor
that is destined to fail and by your own admission will have little impact?
It's a matter of priorities to me.  It also trivializes the real problems in
our city with poverty, substance abuse and mental health.  Frankly, as a
human being, I find that very offensive.


As I have stated before, we can solve this problem as some other cities have
done successfully.  We can stop the flow of money if we choose to do this
and we can replicate their efforts in working to address the problem.


Don't forget that panhandling by the roadways is not a crime.  It is by this
ordinance that we would make it a crime.



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