INC NEWS - [pac2] RE: [TrinityPark] RE: agenda and proposed resolutions f...

TheOcean1 at TheOcean1 at
Sun Apr 23 01:19:17 EDT 2006

 Just to be fair...
I did say something that could equate to:
 "by your own admission will have little  impact"
But you should include the context:
"It probably won't have a huge effect, but it still MUST be done"
And  here's why:  

*First and foremost, this is only the county for the moment, while the mass  
majority of the problem is in the city.
{But this is the first step in getting the city to follow suit}
Digging four holes in your back yard won't add much to your property value.  
But if you fill them with concrete and build a deck above them, it sure will.  
The above comment was made in the same vain. You must dig those holes to 
build  the deck.
We have to start somewhere, let's pass this and start educating ourselves  
that our charity dollar is better utilized by Triangle United Way, where it's  
use can be monitored.
Bill Anderson
In a message dated 4/22/2006 10:57:31 P.M. Eastern Standard Time,  
newman at writes:

“Is that really  you? I've never heard you sound so defeatist.” 
Why do my comments  sound defeatist to you?  To me, I just don’t see this as 
an important  enough reason to waste costly enforcement resources, compared to 
more serious  crime.  We’ve worked extremely hard as a community in the past 
few years  to increases the resources for the police department and we are 
working very  hard to ensure that our courts help us with the serious crimes.  Do 
you  really think this is so important that we need to over burden an already 
 seriously over burdened system with this wasteful endeavor that is destined 
to  fail and by your own admission will have little impact?  It’s a matter of  
priorities to me.  It also trivializes the real problems in our city with  
poverty, substance abuse and mental health.  Frankly, as a human being, I  find 
that very offensive. 
As I have stated  before, we can solve this problem as some other cities have 
done  successfully.  We can stop the flow of money if we choose to do this 
and  we can replicate their efforts in working to address the  problem. 
Don’t forget that  panhandling by the roadways is not a crime.  It is by this 
ordinance that  we would make it a crime. 


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