INC NEWS - other workers wages

TheOcean1 at TheOcean1 at
Mon May 22 21:00:51 EDT 2006

I really like Richard's approach below.
Some other opinions may prove correct, but what a cool way to find  out!
Companies who operate progressively experience some pretty interesting  
What if this time, before a plan is created in our minds as citizens, or in  
the offices of upper level management, we ask the guys on the trucks?
Essentially, we collectively approach the workers including the upper  
managers, and say, "Instead of us planning how you will work, and you deciding  if 
you can live with it, this time you workers get first volley, and we'll see  if 
we can handle it." They'd faint right off the back of the truck.
Allowing employees a say in their workplace is great for moral and  
productivity. I bet if you put all the solid waste worker's heads together,  they'd 
come up with some surprising, and positive ideas. 
Randy Pickle should create them a listserv, let them hash this out for  
themselves for a few weeks. We should commit to listening to how THEY would like  
to work, and be open to their suggestions.
Remember, most of them are Durhamites, too. I'd be surprised if they  haven't 
already put a lot of thought into a system they think would work  better.
Not much harm in asking to hear from them.
Chime in, and if others like the idea, I'll make a motion at tomorrow  
night's INC at the Herald Sun Building on Pickett Road, starts at 7pm
Great to see the ideas here, but even better to meet the authors in  person.
Bill Anderson
PS That was a personal invitation to Chris
In a message dated 5/22/2006 5:09:09 P.M. Eastern Standard Time,  
rcmj at writes:

I  understand paying by the job. If nothing else it is great for 
productivity  and those big trucks in our neighborhoods need to be as 
productive as  possible while they are here!

It seems like the job is each individuals  route that day. How about 
redefining the job to be the total City routes  that day or maybe even 
the total City routes for the week. Better yet the  total garbage and 
yard waste routes for the week. Let the employees figure  out how to get 
it all collected on heavy days such as weekends or leaf  time of year. 
Exceptions could be made to provide overtime during an event  like an ice 
storm or hurricane. Otherwise heavy times balance with the  light times. 
Let them even choose what is a Holiday or not. They may  choose to keep a 
standard week all the time, and end the shifting  collection days on 
Holiday weeks to have better control over trash  collection. This would 
allow employees to rotate off for the entire week  at times, one at a 
time, and give true vacation time rather than the long  weekends us 
Americans accept as normal vacation. I have also worked in an  industry 
where all holidays were worked. Vacation for all was scheduled at  other 
times. I choose the job and it worked well while I was  there.

If our sanitation collection workers are making less than $15 an  hour we 
are stealing from them. The least amount I pay unskilled labor  workers 
with shovel is $12 an hour. These Solid Waste employees are  responsible 
for much more than dig where requested. They earn more than  $15 an hour.

I understand the pay twice problem and think if the job is  redefined the 
problem will be less. I also do not think they are paid  enough. But hey 
we should all be dumping less and reusing more and not  relying on this 
service so much. Go visit the transfer station for an hour  and you will 
cry at all the usable material we throw away.

Richard  Mullinax
Old North Durham

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