INC NEWS - Copies Central Campus Development Plan

kjj1 at kjj1 at
Tue Jun 6 12:51:10 EDT 2006


Are you going to answer this question or not? Is Duke going to provide 
these plans to the partnership neighborhoods as you've repeatedly said you 

Looking forward to a response,

Kelly Jarrett

--On Friday, June 02, 2006 10:11 AM -0700 John Schelp <bwatu at> 

> Neighborhood Partnership Initiative residents and
> others:
> Duke submitted its rezoning application for Central
> Campus last month.
> During meetings with Partnership neighborhood
> representatives and public meetings with Durham
> residents, university officials promised to make these
> plans available to us. But we seem to be encountering
> some resistance on that.
> FYI, below is email correspondence with Michael Palmer
> (Duke Community Affairs) requesting copies of the
> Central Campus development plan.
> Will share any response we get from Duke.
> ~John Schelp
> ****
> Wed, 31 May 2006 12:00
> Michael,
> In meetings with Partnership Neighborhood
> representatives and community members, Duke has
> repeatedly said it would make its Central Campus plans
> available to us. Thus, I am a bit puzzled by your
> seeming resistance (below) to the requests for copies
> of the development plans that Tom Miller and I have
> made.
> This is exactly the kind of behavior that undermines
> community trust and productive town-gown relations.
> I checked with Frank Duke, Durham Planning director,
> about whether the Planning Department would have any
> problem with you supplying us with copies of these
> plans. I've pasted in a copy of his reply below just
> FYI, but he says that the city's fees for Development
> Plans are not a revenue source for the City or County.
> So from the City's perspective, there isn't any
> violation of "principle or precedent" involved in you
> providing those copies as university officials have
> previously promised to do.
> Concerns about starting a precedent also don't seem to
> be an issue. In fact, the university provided us with
> copies of its Development Plans for East, West and the
> Medical Center back in 2003 (Haden-Stanziale,
> 8/04/03).
> To Tom Miller in Watts-Hillandale, you say you need a
> request from the neighborhood association president.
> To me, a neighborhood association president, you say
> the university can't set a precedent (a precedent that
> you've already set).
> Please ask your consultant, Haden-Stanziale, to
> provide a large-size copy of your Development Plans to
> This is not a fee issue for us. It is a principle
> issue for us, insofar as Duke officials have
> repeatedly said they would share their plans for
> Central Campus with us.
> Please let us know if the university intends to keep
> its word or not.
> Thank you.
> John Schelp, president
> Old West Durham Neighborhood Association
> cc:
> Richard Brodhead
> ****
> Date:	 Wed, 31 May 2006 10:58:32
> From:	"Duke, Frank"
> To:	"John Schelp"
> We only recover our costs through everything we do. We
> are not a revenue source for the City or County.
> Anyone may ask a developer to provide them with a copy
> of what they have submitted, though there is no
> requirement for the developer to provide it.
> ****
> Tue, 30 May 2006 17:40
> Michael Palmer wrote:
>> John, sorry it took me this long to
>> the mist of many
>> e-mails I had not discovered the e-mail you sent on
>> May 18........ We do
>> not have a copy of the Central Campus development
>> plan in this office.
>> Given that the development plan became a public
>> document once it was
>> delivered to the City, we see the City as the
>> appropriate distributor of
>> "public documents."  If this request is a "fee"
>> issue then we might be
>> able to assist you with a matter
>> of principle and
>> precedent  we would not want to negate the Planning
>> departments opportunity to collect fees.
> ****
>> John Schelp
>> 05/26/2006 02:45 PM
>> To michael.palmer at
>> Subject: re: Z06-40
>> Dear Michael,
>> We haven't yet received a reply to our May 18
>> request
>> for copies of the Central Campus development plan
>> recently submitted to the Planning Department (see
>> below). I'm just following up to see if you've had a
>> chance to ask your consultant to mail us copies of
>> the Central Campus plans?
>> In our experience with other developers (Ninth
>> Street
>> North and Station Nine), they've provided us with
>> copies of their plans upon request. We have a
>> healthy
>> collection of large rolled-up plans of successful
>> projects from the past. Among neighborhood
>> associations, OWDNA has a reputation for being a
>> reasonable voice on development issues (as our
>> support
>> for Duke's earlier rezoning case demonstrates).
>> A request for development plans is not an unusual
>> request -- especially since it's coming from a
>> partnership neighborhood. In fact, I was surprised
>> to hear from Tom Miller that you indicated
>> Watts-Hillandale's request needs to come from their
>> president. As you know, John Burness sent both of us
>> a very cordial thank you letter for our effort
>> representing the partnership neighborhoods on Duke's
>> rezoning case for East, West and the Medical Center.
>> In any event, I am making our request request
>> (again)
>> as the president of the neighborhood association,
>> and we're looking forward to seeing your plans.
>> Please get in touch with me by June 1 if Duke has a
>> problem with this request. Duke officials have
>> repeatedly said they'd share their Central Campus
>> plans when they were ready. We expect you to keep
>> your word.
>> thank you so much,
>> John
>> ****
>> > Date: Thu, 18 May 2006 12:58
>> > From: John Schelp
>> > Subject: Z06-40
>> > To: Michael Palmer
>> > CC: Tom +Miller
>> >
>> > Hi Michael,
>> >
>> > Would you please ask Haden-Stanziale to mail us
>> two
>> > regular-size copies of the three-page Development
>> > Plan
>> > you recently submitted? (I have small copies but
>> > can't read the text.)
>> >
>> > One will go to Tom Miller and one is for me. You
>> > will
>> > recall that Tom and I were involved in previous
>> > rezoning discussions with the Duke-Durham
>> > partnership neighborhoods.
>> >
>> > thanks so much,
>> >
>> > John Schelp, OWDNA
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