INC NEWS - Fw: [Pineymtn] no mail yesterday

Deb Christie dchristie1 at
Fri Jun 23 10:33:00 EDT 2006

To the Durham InterNeighborhood Council:

The Piney Mountain neighborhood did not receive mail yestertday, Thursday, 
June 22.  I have e-mailed Postmaster Tinkham (is he still postmaster?)  One 
of my neighbors actually called and received a very unsatisfactory response 
(see below).

Any suggestions?  Similar experiences?  What should we do now?

Thanks so much,

Deb Christie
Piney Mountain neighborhood (64 lots)
dchristie1 at
5212 Twin Pines Lane
Durham, NC 27705-8599

----- Original Message ----- 
From: "Thomas B. Clark" <tc1 at>
To: <pineymtn at>
Sent: Friday, June 23, 2006 9:50 AM
Subject: [Pineymtn] no mail yesterday

>I just called the post office (321-8259) and got a manager named John
> Blue.  (The postmaster is not there this morning.)  Mr. Blue went and
> found the carrier, whose name is Peter Boykin, who assured Mr. Blue that
> he had delivered our mail yesterday.
> Mr. Blue put the carrier on the line, and I let him know that I knew he
> was lying.  His response was that he would "check on it when he got out
> here today."  He said somebody must have taken all the mail out of all
> of our boxes. His tone of voice and flimsy explanations confirm his
> lying, as far as I am concerned.
> I spoke to Mr. Blue again, and let him know how I know the carrier was
> lying.  He says he will speak to the postmaster about it and recommend
> that the carrier be terminated.  I let Mr. Blue know that we are
> concerned about whether the carrier might have simply thrown away our
> mail, and that we would like an answer.  So far there has been none
> forthcoming.
> I don't think it would hurt for several more people to call and express
> outrage.
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> Pineymtn mailing list
> Pineymtn at

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