INC NEWS - Spay or neuter pets

Ken Gasch ken.gasch at
Sun Jul 16 07:34:12 EDT 2006

>From today's Herald Sun Letters to the Editor - Ken Gasch

Spay or neuter pets

The June 13th letter, ["Think twice about strays"] raises the issue of a stray black dog that was euthanized at the APS of Durham. The writer was correct to follow the established laws, which are for the benefit of human safety and animal welfare, and bring the dog to the shelter saving it from disease, hunger and lack of care.

The fact that the dog ended up having to be euthanized is also a tragedy and something that saddens all of the staff and volunteers of the APS. Thousands of dogs and cats must be humanely euthanized every year in Durham because we have a serious problem of pet overpopulation. Simply put, there are many more cats and dogs than there are good homes for them. This is something that maddens and sickens us all at the APS and that is why we don't turn away from the problem of pet overpopulation.

What can everyone do to put an end to this tragedy? Spay or neuter your pet, keep your pet on a leash with tags to identify it and adopt a shelter cat or dog! If people will do these things then hopefully, there will be no more tragedies.

The writer is volunteer coordinator/humane education liaison for the Animal Protection Society of Durham.

July 16, 2006
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