INC NEWS - we'd like your help

RW Pickle randy at
Thu Aug 24 17:15:47 EDT 2006

The Executive Board has a request for all that will get this email. We'd
like for you to take some time between now and out September meeting and
just look at our website (

We'd like to know what  people want from the website or at least think
would be useful for someone wanting information. It's our attempt to bring
the viewing public the kind of online information that may be useful to
anyone in a neighborhood association, forming a new neighborhood
association, or the same applies for homeowners associations. It's our
attempt to give you what you might need online or fill in the gaps we may
be missing.

So if you have a thought (or a few) please send an email to any Board
member so we can begin to address any issues you might have (online).

Randy Pickle
INC's online content management

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