INC NEWS - InterNeighborhood Council: Roses in a glass resolution

John Schelp bwatu at
Tue Aug 29 14:27:21 EDT 2006

The board of the Old West Durham Neighborhood
Association voted to endorse the INC resolution below.

~John Schelp
OWDNA president


The updated resolution on the roses in a glass is:

Whereas Drug Paraphernalia is any legitimate
equipment, product, or material that is modified for
making, using, or concealing illegal drugs such as
cocaine, heroin, marijuana, and methamphetamine.

Whereas Law Enforcement Officials have confirmed that
"glass stems" are being used as modified equipment
pipes to smoke (crack) cocaine and methamphetamine.

Whereas the Rose in a Glass "glass stems" should not
be sold in Durham stores.

Now, therefore, let it be resolved that the
InterNeighborhood Council of Durham asks Durham City
and County should include these and similar glass
stems in the list of banned drug paraphernalia.


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