INC NEWS - Where are tax dollars are going

John Dagenhart jdag at
Thu Sep 28 09:50:04 EDT 2006

I agree we should hold our elected officials accountable. 


But we need to remember that the elected officials (most of them) have full
time employment in other jobs. They need to be able to depend on the
executive staff and other "full time" city staff to keep them fully informed
on key issues. They also need to be able to depend on city staff to properly
manage the day-to-day workings of government so the elected officials don't
have to micromanage (which, I think, some of them do). If the elected
officials find out that city staff is not keeping them appropriately up to
speed, or that the staff is not properly handling the day-to-day workings,
then they should take appropriate action. 


Keep in mind that the City Council only hires and fires a few top level
staff. So, they have to depend on those people to take appropriate action
when needed.


If we find out that elected officials are not appropriately holding staff
accountable, when they know things aren't going well, then we have the
opportunity to change that at election time. In my opinion, that's the
beautiful thing about our form of government.




From: inc-list-bounces at [mailto:inc-list-bounces at] On
Behalf Of Regina deLacy
Sent: Thursday, September 28, 2006 7:51 AM
To: Caleb Southern
Cc: inc-list at
Subject: Re: INC NEWS - Where are tax dollars are going


What would you have the elected officials do in order to keep this from
happening again?  How would a new set of elected officials change the
procedures of unelected employees?

There needs to be a plan for better oversight, not just a chorus of, "Work
harder! Do Better!"

 - Regina

Caleb Southern wrote: 

What do you propose we do?

Hold our elected officials accountable. Don't let them pass the buck (to
city staff). Tell them what our real priorities are. And remember this at
election time.
You can email city council at:
council at
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