INC NEWS - COURT WATCH-what can we do?

RW Pickle randy at
Sat Oct 7 22:48:46 EDT 2006

Thanks for this info Caleb. It always seems like some scientific formula
when the courts are calculating numbers to come up with the mandatory
terms. But it would seem that we as citizens could in some way get our
message through to the courts and DA that we'd like to see it go this way
instead of that way. Otherwise, it looks like the revolving door again for
this fellow. It was a tragedy what happened and we should not let the
courts off easy on this. Just looking at the background of this fellow, he
seems due for some time to think about how he needs to get his act
together. Otherwise we're likely to see him in the news again in the not
to distant future. Let us know (if you know) what we can do to help see to
it that justice is served.
RW Pickle
27 Beverly

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