INC NEWS - Kids Can Vote Too!! (but they need some help...)

RW Pickle randy at
Tue Oct 24 13:29:50 EDT 2006

Kids Voting needs the help of many, many volunteers to help make the
upcoming Nov. 7th election and voting process meaningful to our children &
future voters, and I hope you can help. Below is a description of the
volunteers Kids Voting needs on and before Election Day to staff the Kids
Voting polls at each Durham precinct.  It is a great volunteer activity --
and you can do it with your child if you have one. Also, kids 15 and older
can take a volunteer shift on their own and log service hours.

Kids Voting Durham educates K-12 Students about voting, democracy, and
active citizenship, culminating on Election Day when students, accompanied
by a parent or other adult, have the opportunity to vote the same ballot
as adults at a Kids Voting station.  Through the combination of education
and and mock voting experience, Kids Voting hopes to prepare kids to be
lifelong, informed Voters.

Please forward this email widely to other individuals, neighborhood
groups, PTAs, churches, or other organizations who might be interested in
adopting a polling site or taking part in another volunteer capacity.

More information about Kids Voting Durham's national and state affiliates
can be found at and

Thanks and hope to see you at the polls on November 7th,

Carolyn Kreuger (Monmouth Ave.)
Kids Voting Durham Coordinator
Durham County Extension
kidsvotingdurham at

Election Day is November 7th, and you can help Durham students and
children take
part in the voting experience by volunteering for Kids Voting Durham!
The Kids Voting program is a national, non-profit, non-partisan
organization that promotes voter participation by educating America's
youth about the importance of being an informed citizen and the
responsibilities of voting to sustain democracy.
This year Kids Voting Durham has provided K-12 schools with activities on
democracy and voting and to culminate will offer kids the opportunity to
vote on the same ballot of candidates as adult. But we need over 200
volunteers to ensure that children can participate at all Durham County
Being a Kids Voting volunteer is fun and rewarding, and there are many
ways you
can participate.  Volunteers are needed to:
*  Be a precinct captain or an organization that "Adopts a Precinct" by
recruiting the volunteers needed to staff, set up, and break down a Durham
County precinct on Election Day
*  Staff Kids Voting booths on Election Day for a shift of two hours or
more; service hours available from 6:30 am to 9:00  am and from 2:30 pm to
7:30 pm.
*  Set up and/or  take down "self serve" polls on the day of the election.
*  Tally votes the evening of the election beginning at 6 p.m.

*  Help prior to Nov. 7th with the preparation of supplies for Election Day
*  Help pack up supplies the day after the election
To volunteer or get more information, contact Carolyn Kreuger at
kidsvotingdurham at or 919-560-0522.

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