INC NEWS - do you have a vanity license plate?

RW Pickle randy at
Tue Dec 19 19:19:51 EST 2006

Shawn needs some help with this.

27 Beverly

vanity license plates
    Posted by: "shawn rocco" srocco at rocpho
    Date: Mon Dec 18, 2006 3:04 pm ((PST))

Hi everyone,
I'm starting a portrait project on people who own NC vanity plates and
the story behind the reason why they do so.
Why is "wunderwoman" a wonder woman? Is she a mom with 5 kids and 2
jobs? Or a professional bodybuilder?
Or both?

I think it's interesting. And can make for a cool photo essay. So I'm
going to try and find about a dozen people with various backgrounds
and interests.

So if you own one, or know someone who does please contact me at...

srocco at

Or please forward this message along and I'll be happy to explain a
little more.

happy holidays!

Shawn Rocco

Staff Photographer
News & Observer
The Durham News

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