INC NEWS - Happy Holidays from Animal Control

RW Pickle randy at
Wed Dec 20 12:08:59 EST 2006

Forwarded for Animal Control.
27 Beverly

I wanted to take this opportunity to thank everyone for their endless
support for Animal Control during 2006.  I am really excited about how far
we grown during this year and without your help and work we would not have
been able to gain the ground we have gained.  We still have a ways to go,
but I know with your continued support and help we can get there. 
I also wanted to remind you that the holidays are here and this can cause
various perils with our companion pets.  First of all, if you are giving a
pet for a Christmas gift,  have a back up plan in case it doesn’t work
out.  Not everyone has the same feelings about a furry new friend as you
might during the holiday season.  Secondly, we see an increase in dog and
cat bites during the holidays.  Your pets may fair better if you secure
them in a quiet place when you have family and friends over for the
holidays.  Also remember that Christmas meals are meant for people not
pets.  Try to avoid sharing table scraps with your pets unless they are
use to them (especially anything with poultry bones).  Lastly, a lot of
the holiday trimming can be hazardous to the health of your pet. 
Poinsettia’s for example are poisonous, trees can be turned over easily by
an busy cat or kitten and chocolate is a definite no-no.  If you have any
other questions concerning issues about your pet and the holidays feel
free to give us a call.  If we don’t know the answer we will find it out
for you.
Animal Control will be available for you during emergencies only on
December 25th and 26th.  You can reach them by calling 911.  Hours will be
normal for December 23rd and 24th  (10:30-7:00) and you can reach them by
calling 911.  We will be operating at the normal schedule on December
Happy and Safe Holidays to all our friends,
Cynthia N. Bailey
Animal Control Administrator
Durham County Animal Control
2117 E. Club Blvd.
Durham, NC  27704
Phone:  919-560-0630  Fax:  919-560-0633
cbailey at

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